19. Obvious

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"Oh my god." I looked over at Harper, who was grinning like a damn clown behind the barricade, right in front of the stage. A few girls next to me kept pushing, and nobody is even on stage yet.

"I heard this guy's pretty good." Harper winked. I let out a little laugh.

"He SO is." A blonde girl next to Harper replied. She was wearing earrings that seemed to dangle to her belly button, a tube top, and space buns. She popped her bubble gum. "I found out about him so long ago. I swear I'll marry him one day." She said.

Harper nodded, and I smiled at her.

"You guys from LA?" She asked.

"Seattle." I said.

"Ohhh." She looked me up and down. "What're you doing here?"

"We're just on vacation." Harper smiled.

The girl popped her bubble again. "No, what are you doing here. At the Lauv concert." She looked disgusted with us.

I shrugged, confused at the question. I'm here for the same damn reason as she is. "He's a good artist, so we came out." I replied.

"Hm." She turned to her friend and began talking. Harper and I exchanged weird glances. I was already being pushed so hard up against the barricade.

I turned my head around and looked behind me. There were people back as far as I could see, and I got nervous. I don't know the words to Ari's songs like everyone else around me. I know about one song, and I'm scared to act like a fan or something. It's different being in a crowd like this when you're pretty familiar with who's on stage.

"Do you think he'll sing to you?" Harper laughed.

Before I could even open my mouth to speak, the girl next to us spoke up again. "If he's going to sing to anyone it's going to be me. He's so sexy." She laughed. I watched her red lips smack her gum in her mouth, making me irritated.

I laughed, pretending it was funny like she apparently thought it was. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Vivian. What's yours?"

"Aria." I replied. "Nice to meet you."

She nodded, looking too hard at me again. "So you like Ari?" She asked. The question made my stomach twirl. Does she know something?

"Uhh, yeah!" I said. "He's a great singer."

She smiled. "He's hot as shit. I got with him after one of his first concerts in LA. Gonna try again tonight."

Harper looked at me like she was ready to burst out laughing, and I tried not to smile too big. Vivian seemed to notice.

"You and Lauv would make a cute couple." I raised my eyebrows.

She grinned at me. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yup."

She maintained a perfect smile. "You know, girl, get rid of those bangs and get more of a tan and you could be a model." She seemed to have thought that was a compliment.

"She already is." Harper said.

Vivian had a stupid look on her face.

Apparently Ari didn't have any opening act for this concert, so we were just waiting for him. I looked at my phone, and it vibrated with a text.

Ari: i see u

I giggled, handing my phone over to show Harper. She laughed, looking around for him. Before I could swipe my phone away quick enough, Vivian glared at it.

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