Chapter 8

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"WHAT?!" Gustavo was not happy to hear the news that the boys gave him.

"Wayne-Wayne is a total fraud." Kendall insisted, and Carlos nodded in agreement.

"He wants to kick Kendall and Sadie out of the band." Gustavo's eyebrows rose.

"Really? I would've bet on Logan." Logan laughed sarcastically.

"Well, you would have lost!" He shouted furious.

"Wait. Whoa. We can't let Wayne-Wayne kick Kendall and Sadie out of the band." Kelly piped up. "Gustavo, what are you gonna do?" Gustavo, for the first time, stayed quiet. He merely sighed.

"Nothing." All of their eyebrows rose.

"You can't do nothing!" James told him, exasperated, and Kendall stepped up to him.

"Gustavo, you can't let this poser tell you what to do with your band."

"It's not my band, okay?" Gustavo told him, not realizing there was a sixth listener in the room. "It's Griffin's. Look. I don't know if you've noticed, but I haven't had a hit in a while. This band is my ticket back to the top, and until I get back there... What he says goes."

"So you guys weren't lying just because you don't like Wayne-Wayne." They all tensed, and turned to see Sadie standing there with tears in her eyes. "I just got here, and I'm already out."

"Sadie..." Kendall stepped towards her, but she took a step back, wrapping her arms around herself.

"No!" Kendall stopped, his heart sinking. This wasn't what he wanted to happen. "I'm sorry, Kendall, I just..." she sniffed, wiping her eyes. "I need to be alone right now!" She hurried back down the other way, and Kendall sighed, before turning to the others.

"Now we really need to get rid of Wayne-Wayne." He told them determinedly.

"We'll team up." Logan announced, getting excited for this.

"No..." Gustavo tried, but they were already on a slow roll downhill.

"We'll need cool code names." Logan told the others.

"I'll be the falcon!" James insisted, tossing his hair dramatically.

"I'll be the snowman!" Carlos told them excitedly.

"And you'll need a tree hat." Kendall told Gustavo, sticking the leaf covered hat on his head.

"No tree hat!" Gustavo shouted, knocking it off. Kendall crossed his arms, smirking at Gustavo.

"Gustavo, we can come up with a plan." Kelly's eyes went wide at that.

"Ooh, they are really good at plans." But Gustavo shook his head.

"No plans." He insisted, before going to his piano and picking up some sheets of paper. "I don't want you hockey heads pulling any of your schemes or shenanigans that are gonna get me in trouble with Griffin and the record company. Now, here are your lyric sheets for the song you're gonna sing for Griffin in one hour." He took out a sharpie, and began to write on each sheet. "James." He smacked James in the chest with his paper. "Logan." Smack! Into Logan's chest. "Kendall. Carlos." Smack! Smack! One into each boy. "Study them. Learn them. Get Wits to learn them. Got it?"

"Got it." Then they all walked away, sighing upset.

When they came across the bathrooms, they heard Sadie sniffling inside. James stopped at the door, listening, and sighed.

"Guys, we can't just leave her in there by herself." Logan crossed his arms.

"Well, we can't go into the girl's bathroom either!"

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" Sadie called, coming out and wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry, guys. This was a mistake, anyways. I shouldn't have tried to come in and be something I'm not. I'll just go back home." Then she started down the hall, and Kendall put his arm out, her chest hitting his arm and he pulled her in close.

"Wait." He told her, hugging her tightly and handing her a sheet. "Gustavo wants you to learn these lyrics in an hour." She looked at the sheet, then looked to Kendall, unsure.

"Really?" He nodded, and she sighed. "Fine."


"Mom, I'm headed to the pool." Katie called to Mrs. Knight, who came running to stop her.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no." She told her, taking her towel away. "No pool until they find Axe McGee. But don't worry, you won't be lonely. Molly is gonna come and play with you in the apartment every day until he's caught." Katie's eyes went wide as the door knocked. "Oh, that must be Molly now." Mrs. Knight headed for the door, and Katie wrapped herself around her mother's ankle, through with the shenanigan.

"Okay, confession time!" She exclaimed dramatically. "The cops told me there is no axe maniac! He's just the Palmwoods maintenance man! So I'll go to the pool and not be with Molly, who, again, is extra creepy!" Mrs. Knight smiled down at her daughter, shaking her head.

"You are just saying that 'cause you don't want me to worry." Katie got to her feet, not going down without a fight.

"I'm telling you the truth, Mom. He works here." That was when a chainsaw buzzed, and she ran to the window. "Look, Mom, there he is." That was when she saw Bitters coming by with his head stuck in his sweater, and she groaned. "Unbelievable." She muttered, before stopping Mrs. Knight from seeing what was going on outside. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. On second thought, I want to go play tag with Molly in the hallway." Then she hurried out the door and tapped the awaiting Molly on the shoulder. "Tag! You're it!" And she hurried down to the pool, where the maintenance guy was helping Bitters with his sweater.

"Why can't they make sweater holes for plus-size heads?" Bitters grumbled, stomping away as Katie came running up.

"Dude, my mom thinks you're a chainsaw freak!" She exclaimed, and his eyes went wide.

"Oh, that's why she always screams when she sees me." He murmured, nodding slowly.

"You're gonna help me fix this." She snapped, and he shrugged.


"I'm gonna unplug our tv cable, mom will call maintenance, that's you, you'll come up without your chainsaw, and show her you're normal-ish." He nodded again, okay with the plan.

"All right." That was when Molly came up and tapped Katie's shoulder.

"Tag! You're it!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down happily. "This is fun!" Then she skipped away merrily, both the maintenance guy and Katie completely confused.

"Is it just me, or is she kind of creepy?" He asked Katie.

"I know, right?"

((Okay, guys, I could actually use a hand. My idea for the story is to not only write about the girl, but to also let you hear her voice. I think its really interesting when you see stories where a girl gets added into the band, but you've got to wonder how she sounds with the band. So, here's where you guys come in! If you somehow come across a Big Time Rush karaoke video with backing vocals, please please PLEASE send me the link, and I can working with it! I already have one for Worldwide and 24/7, but if possible, could we try to get one for City is Ours? It would mean the absolute world to me!)$

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