Mist Flames

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Tsuki was doing the shopping with Nozomi helping out when they saw someone get hurt and was quick to leave calmly as to not get hurt. They made it back and Tsuki warned her guardians as this is serious and reminded Hibari to think before be acts.

"Classical Cloud or not, you think before you act! I don't want to lose you nor does Nozomi!" Hibari looks down to Nozomi as she pulls on his pants.

"Godfathew stay safe? Godfathew not die? Godfathew comes back to mama and Nozomi?" Hibari was quick to hug his god-daughter as she had tears coming down her face when she said that.

"I'll come back. I promise." Tsuki knows Nozomi is everything Hibari needs in this life as it was because of her that he is calm, it's because of her that he is thinking and it's because of her that he is remembering his promises.

Reborn and Fon were ever shocked at the scene as they try to figure out really how Nozomi has Hibari like this. Fon volunteered to stay with the children as he was planning on really teaching Nozomi to self-defend herself making Tsuki to agree as she heard Kyoko's brother, Ryohei Sasawaga got hurt last night.

"Let's move." Tsuki sworn to help Hibari protect Namimori town in inchange he becomes her daughter's godfather shocking him as he doesn't get why him, but he remembers the answer.

"'Cause I know she will be safe with you no matter what and you will protect her until she can do that herself." Hibari wonders why Tsuki of all people had picked him to be the godfather to their child. Even his man has grown attach too quickly to the little carnivore themselves.

Oncd they got to the hideout, Tsuki checks the surrounding area with her Sky Flames and she didn't know she had made all of them jump as it went over them as they couldn't believe how strong those flames were.

"Four teens, two adults and two creepy guys and one of the adults has a lot of small yellow birds with him. The two creeps can use their nails as weapons and can squeeze through any space which is creepy as...." Tsuki gave Reborn ten dollor bill before she starts to swear.

"Smart move. Don't need Nozomi to caught any bad words now and you are getting quicker to stopping youself as well, too." Even Gokudera does a swear jar to keep from really swearing and a smoming jar to stop him from smoking and he is close to two million from both jars really.

"Anything on the teens and the last adult?" Tsuki checks more deeply on all of them and was actually surprised as two of them is active.

"One of the teens is Mist Flame active. Has a tident to use as a weapon. Got to watch out for that one. One teen can get the strenght of any animal from their teeth. Gross." They all agrees there on that one.

"One has posion needles in their yo-yo. Watch out for that as we don't have any antidotes nor do I know how to remove posion from someone. That would be a very much time surmean interesting experiment to do with Sun Flames." Gokudera agrees as he would also like to learn that.

"The last teen has a flute, a musical insterment to cause sound waves. Going to be extra careful as I doubt we can get close to them if they play it. The last adult has a ball with some craved out with circles fully craved out with noting inside.

That one is going to be harder as if he throws it, since it has chains attach to it, we are all died. He is also the second active with Storm Flames and a bit of Mist Flames." Reborn was surprise by Tsuki's skills of seeing which is harder to fight against.

"Their genders are all, but one male. The last teen is the female and the only female there in the group. I'm not going to be doing a cat fight nor will I allow a dog fight to happen." Reborn wonders how Tsuki plans to fight them.

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