Chapter 13: Early Suprise

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I'm coming a day early. I already have a plan!

Smiling deep in thought, I parked my car behind trees. Which is behind Ally's and Amber's house.

I tiptoed to the door, making sure nobody is in the living room, and slowly opened.

I walked into a house full of laughter.

Great more people, I smiled.

I sat down on the love seat, I looked around. I grabbed my phone and began to call Allison.

"Hey love." I said.

"Hey Ray Ray."

"Ooooo I like your new chandler." I smiled.

"How the fuck did you know that?"


"I never posted any pictures!"

"Lucky guess?"

I hid behind the couch as I heard Allison walk into living room.

"That's a very lucky guess." She laughed.

Allison stopped walking.

I jumped up and screamed like maniac.

I ran around the room and screamed some more.

Allison screamed in terror and dropped to the floor like a bullet.

I began to laugh.

"What the hell?" A bunch of people ran down the stairs.

"Allison? Are you okay?" Amber asked.

"Who are you?" A guy with curly hair asked.

"I'm Raven Leech." I smiled.


Amber and Allison ran into me for a group hug.

"What the hell Ray?" Allison laughed.

"I didn't think you were actually going to cry Ally!"

"I'm going to get you!" She playfully punched my arm.

"Your here early!" Amber excitedly said.

"Oh, you want me to leave." I asked.

"No!" Amber and Allison said in unison.

"Who are these people?" I winked.

"Oh I'm Harry Styles." The curly one started.

"I'm Niall Horan." A Irish lad chuckled.

"Vas happing? I'm Zayn Malik."

"Liam Payne."

"I'm Ruby Reyes." A girl smiled.

I smiled back.

The last guy with brown feathery hair and blue sparkling eyes didn't speak. All he did was stare at me.

His skin was kissed by the sun. He was simply beautiful.

Harry nudged his side.

"I'm L-Louis." He stuttered.

Louis didn't stop staring.

"It's nice to meet all of you." I smiled.

"Guys go shopping for some food. We need to catch up." Amber said.

"But-" Louis was cut off.

"But nothing. Go!" Amber laughed and pointed to the door.

"I'm going to go with Harry." Ruby kissed Ally's cheek.

"Have fun." Allison winked.

Ruby gave Allison a death glare.

They all said their goodbyes and left.

We sat in the kitchen table, drinking tea.

"Anything new?" Allison asked.

"Boys?" Amber winked.

"Well no boys sadly. I mean they would ask me out." I flipped my hair.

"But I would turn them down. They were players anyway, plus I'm waiting for the right guy to come along."

"Aww!" Amber said amused.

"How's college?" Allison asked.

"It's fine. Boring as hell. Made some new friends, but they are not as special as you guys! You guys are like sisters to me! Anything new with you guys?"

"Nothing really." Amber replied.

"Who are the boys? Were you guys having a gang bang without me?" I winked.

"They are One Direction." Amber said.

"Well no duh! What are they doing here?" I asked.

"It's a long story." Allison said.

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