I was diagnosed

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At the hospital our friend Faith Fritzler burst through the door with a stuffed chicken from the movie Chicken Run. She is obsessed with 'Ringer' whatever that is...

"Who's this now?" "Raylen this is Faith Fritzler, Faith this is Raylen Barnes. No time to explain! The doctor said that Vannah," I can barely say it.

"She what?" "Has... Canser. " "What, how? Why would she never tell us?" "I don't know, maybe, the book, 'The Fault in Our Stars,' is our reality..."


"You'll be just fine miss Robertson. You just need to relax and get plenty of sleep." "Thank you." she finally calmed down a little.

"Hey Vannah," "Hey Dylon." she smiled a little. "Look I'm really sorry, I didn't tell you." "It's fine, how long ago, did it happen." "I was diagnosed when I was 10."

We both started crying a little. "I knew you would find out sometime." "Why did you never tell anybody? Why did you never tell me?" "Because I knew everybody would tease me. They would make fun of me."

"I would never, be like that. I love you more than anything in the world." I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.


Faith barged in the door carrying a plush toy of Ginger from 'Chicken Run.' "Savannah!" "Faith!" "Dylon!" he yelled his own name. "Why are we yelling our names?" we all just laughed.

"Why did you never tell me?" "Because you wouldn't want to be my friend if you knew." "I would still want to be your friend. I'm just a little upset because you kept this huge secret from us."

"I'm sorry." the doctor came in and told us the news. "You will be okay, but you have to stay here over night." "Can I stay here?" "Of course, but you will have to sleep in the lobby or waiting room because visiting hours are almost over."

Dylon and Faith ended up sleeping outside the door. They wanted to make sure I was safe.


The next morning I woke up to see Cole and Clay. "Hey guys, what are y'all doin here?" Clay just hugged me tight. "Faith told me everything." I feel really guilty now because I never told anyone.

My phone rang and it was Alyssa.

A: Raylen told me everything. I'm soooo sorry!

S: Save it, I know you're teaming up with Emma to break me and Dylon up!

A: No I mean, Emma is actually trying to kill you. I thought it was just a joke at first, that's why I went along with it, but now, she's out to kill you!

S: Nooooo, really?! I thought she was just being friendly when she whacked me upside the head with a frying pan!

A: *sigh* Just, be careful, stay with Dylon as much as possible!

After that she hung up.

"Who was that?" "Alyssa, she teamed up with Emma to get revenge on me for dating Dylon. She said at first she thought it was just a joke but now she's out to kill me!"

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