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{Edit} I'm changing the name "Padme" to "Athena" to avoid Star Wars shit (I barely even know the series XD)

John's POV

I flapped my wings, slowly soaring to the gates of heaven, where the stairway that leads down to Earth is located. I met my best friend there, Charles, who became a guardian angel as well as me. "Oh, hey John." He greeted me with a smile, which I returned. "So, who's your kid?"

"Someone called Alexander Hamilton, what about you?" I countered him.

"Guy called Samuel Seabury."

"Oh, the sweet kid they've been talking about back in headquarters?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

"Wow, you're lucky."

"Really confusing though. Why would someone like that Seabury kid need a guardian? If he's as nice and friendly they say he is, then he won't have a problem in life, right?"

"I guess, you can't be sure. I mean, look at Amidala. She's as sweet as honey and they say her life back when she was alive was perfect, but she still committed suicide."

"Heh, yeah. We better get going before Athena spots us here."

I nodded my head and waved goodbye to him before flying the opposite direction he went. As I glided further down, the clouds started clearing and the lights of the city illuminated the night sky. All the different colored illuminations filled every corner with hope, busy people walking up and down the streets made the night a bit raucous. Nevertheless, it still seems like a great place. I hovered above people's heads, looking at their special traits that ruptures them from the others. That's the thing about being a guardian angel, other humans can't see you, only the human you are going to be guarding for the rest of their life can.

I quickly found the school called, Legacy High, where my human should be at. How come he hasn't gone home yet? It's already seven at night, what is this kid doing? I combed the outside of school campus and spotted a boy sitting on the swings at the back of the school. He seemed to be hugging himself and paid no attention to his surroundings. By further examinations, I can see his shoulders go bounce up and down in some sort of tottering pattern. I walked over quietly, yet the silence of the night made it difficult.

"If you're here to beat me up again, I suggest you just leave, Thomas." He utters with shaky and unstable breathing. I quickly tucked in my wings and altered my clothing to match the casual get up of teenagers.

"I'm not Thomas." I chuckled, making my way over to the swing next to his. He looked at me confused, wiping his puffy red eyes. "I'm John Laurens." I presented myself, making sure to use a soft and gentle voice.

"I'm Alexander... What are you doing here this late?"

"I should be asking the same." 

"Oh, uhm, I just find the night soothing. The wind is my favorite part."

"I can agree." I paused, looking back up the night sky. "So, aren't you going home? It's getting pretty late and you still have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, but I don't see you having a problem with that now, huh?"

"I don't go to school, at least, not anymore."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"It's a long story, now come on, I'll walk you home."

I stood from my seat and gestured for him to lead the way. He smiled and started walking ahead of me, silent, neither of us dared to strike up a conversation. We reached a house, not far from Legacy High campus. He stood at the front porch and turned around to face me. "So, I guess, we'll see each other tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, no. Let me in and I'll explain." I told him. He seemed to be hesitant and confused but, had let me in anyway.

"You can sit at the couch, I'll make us some tea." He offered.

"That won't be necessary, let's just sit and talk." I said, sitting down on the couch, as he did the same.

"So, what did you want to explain?" He asked.

"You know about the myth they say that, everyone has their own guardian angel?"

"I'm your guardian Alexander Hamilton."

"Right, prove it Mr. Guardian."

"A guardian must know their human; therefore, I know that your full name is Alexander James Hamilton, your age is 18, your birthday is on January 11, you are a scholar at Legacy High, you live alone, you're an immigrant, you- "

"Alright, alright, I get it. But, why do I need a guardian? I'm perfectly fine."

"Says the guy who was crying on the swings a while ago behind school, all alone at night. You also said something about a Thomas beating you up? Yeah, your life is perfect kid."

"It's not so bad."

"Yeah, well, the Gods and angels in heaven beg to differ."

Alexander laughed at my comment. "So, for how long are you my guardian?" He asked.

"Until you die, which I wouldn't mind, I mean I'm not sending you to heaven anytime soon now."

"Why not? That'd be a lot easier for you and me, win-win solution right there."

"Well, guardian angels can put their humans to rest if that human wants to, but they can also reject the idea if they know that human still has a whole life ahead of them."

"Then do it to me now! You said it yourself, I don't have a perfect life, I don't need to live any further."

"Listen kid- "

"I'm 19."

"Whatever. All I'm trying to say is, I'm your guardian and I will protect you from anything."

"Wait, can others see you?"

"No, only you can. But, there is one way for me to be seen by anyone."

"And what is that?"

"I could disguise myself as a student at Legacy High, that way, I can appear visible to other people, without suspicions."

"I get the feeling you don't want that, huh?"

"I never had the best experience of high school."

"You died?"

"Duh, what do you think, genius?"


"That story is for another day, right now, I'm getting you to bed."

I carried his small frame to his bedroom as he thrashed around. "Put me down!" He cried, pouting when I settled him on the comfortable embrace of the bed. "I'm not even sleepy."

"You've been up for 48 hours, trust me I know."

"Stalking piece of angel shit." I rolled my eyes at him and turned off the lights of his bedroom. I guess this is my home now too, geez, he needs to clean up. I peeked in his kitchen and you'd be surprised at how messy it is. The fridge was opened (and empty if I may add), the stove had this red stuff on it, that I would call ketchup, hopefully, the cabinets were open, and the plates were scattered everywhere. What happened here? This legit looks like a war zone.

I sighed and shook my head, going in to clean up. This is going to be a long ride.

In The Arms Of A Guardian {Lams} {Guardian Angel AU}{DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now