Chapter 30

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No ones POV

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why am I doing this to you? Haha this is what you get. I always told you I would get payback."

"When my daughter comes and saves me you'll be sorry."

"You mean, Our daughter."

"You left me when she was little, why would I call you her father."

"Listen closely okay, when our daughter comes I'll lock her up to."

"You can't and you wont."

"Oh really? Watch me cause I sure damn will."

"Now let's have some fun."


"I have to enjoy you while your here since your daughter is going to come save you."

"Why don't you just kill me already?"

"What's the fun in that? I have to have fun first then kill you, then after I kill you, I'll kill our daughter."

"Please do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt Kayla. She's only 17 she still has her whole life."

The door slammed leaving Kayla's mom still in the dirty, old room.

"Oh Kayla please come get me."

Victoria's POV

"Hey why did Kayla and Jack J leave?" Amanda asked me, while we were doing our meet and greets.

"I really don't know I'll text her and see," I told her back.

Everyone was worried that they were not okay. Lily told us not to worry but she's my best friend. I have to worry about her.

Text messages:

V: Hey what happened?

K: My mom was murdered

V: What? Where are you at? I'm going with you

K: Don't come it's okay Jack came with me I think it was my dad who murdered her

V: Okay stay safe please keep in contact and good luck love you 😘💕

She just read that text. I still feel like she's not okay. I decided to text Jack and tell him what happened. I can't talk to him because he's doing his meet and greet with Cameron at the other side.

Text messages:

V: Kayla's mom got murdered

J: What? No way is that why she and Jack left?

V: Yeah, I told her if we should go but she doesn't want to

J: Well Cyberstar ends tomorrow we can go over there tomorrow

K: Yeah okay I gtg I love you

J: I love you to bæ 😍

I just looked at Jack and he winked at me with a big smile on his face. I just smiled and blew him a kiss.

Then I whispered to Amanda.

"Kayla's mom got murdered."

"What? No way!" She said, shocked.

I just nodded and started to take pictures with the fans.

Jack Gilinsky's POV

I could tell Victoria has been worried about Kayla all day. I can tell because I know her real smile, and that smile is not her real smile.

It was finally 6 so that means we get a break for a couple of hours before the entertainment.

"Guys let's go get something to eat," Carter said, of course, Carter always wants to eat.

"CHIPOTLE!" Kayden screamed out, man that kid loves that place.

"I've never been there," Dylan said.

"WHO ARE YOU? WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Kayden said, still screaming.

"Dude stop screaming, you can't marry it okay," Nash said, with a laugh.

We then went to chipotle. It was cool because there was no one there so it was just us.

"This is my first chipotle ever!" Dylan said to the camera, taking a bite of his food.

I laughed because this kid is a country person so of course he doesn't eat this kind of food.

"This is like my 88th chipotle," I told Dylan, and he just laughed.

After that we went back to our hotels to rest for a little while.

I took a nap for an hour because I was really tired. I didn't see Victoria come in so she's probably at Starbucks with Katie and Amanda.

Victoria's POV

After everyone went to chipotle we went back to the hotel. Amanda, Katie, and I decided to go to the Starbucks downstairs in the hotel.

We all ordered our drinks and sat down.

"I feel so bad for Kayla," Katie said, I didn't know that Katie knew but she probably asked Jack J.

"Yeah, I hope she finds her mom," Amanda said.

"She thinks it's her dad who kidnapped her mom," I told them, they had a shocked look on their face.

After we just talked about Cyberstar and all the fans. We decided to go back to our hotel rooms.

I went to my room and saw Jack asleep.
I wasn't that tired so I just put my phone on the charger. I kissed Jack on the cheek. He looked so cute sleeping.

~~~~At the Live Entertainment~~~~

Lights everywhere, about 100 girls video taping, people screaming. It's crazy. It's really fun because we can perform in front of all these girls.

We did the lip gloss dance. Then Everyone sang songs, and just had a fun time.

The whole time there I just couldn't stop thinking about Kayla. She's my best friend it hurts to know that she's sad.

It's crazy to think how far I have made it just because of vine and youtube.

Jack and I danced and just had really fun. I love spending time with him. For a moment I forgot about Kayla.


A/N Short Chapter I know!! I try to update everyday so don't worry. Thank you for reading love you all 😘🎀💕

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