chapter 2

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I sat their watching his every move. I thought he was on of those road boys to not even care to attend school, the way he walked with the bop made my blood boil but I weren't trying to show it. As he passed a couple of table I was coming to my conclusion that he was going to sit next to me; so I picked up my bag from underneath the table and quickly sat it next to the sit next to me pretending I was getting something out of it. As I was doing so I glanced up to realize he sat at the table in front of me.

I was wondering if he was going to try to talk to me throughout registration but he didnt.

The bell rang indicating the my next lesson should be starting shortly, I gathered my things and saw that "ty" had already left not saying he should of waited for me because he barely knows me. Anyways as I was making my way to my lesson I saw "ty" again with a group of boys with his hands placed around somegirls sholders I've seen the chick around school many times. She weren't even anything nice , I heard she beats bare man and gives good heads but then again she trys to fucking with every man from different area. Nothing specisl in fact half of the girls in school have beat more than 6 man. I'm still a virgin and I'm waiting at least 8 months being with some before actually giving it up.

The day went by slowly and I was so tired. I spend most of my day with my bestfriend thouhh, I told her about what happened in the morning as well but after school we decided to go the mall because its summer soon and I've barely got anything to wear. I had £18 left and I was going to see what I could do with that I put £2 to the side so I could by my dinner and was left with £16.

At the mall

We taking in most of the shops, I brought 2 crop tops with one pair of Ripped jeans which all came up to £15. It was 6 O'Clock when me & kaykey the mall I couldn't be arsed to go in any more shops so I we both caught the bus and I got off first, she gets off 2 stops after me so we dudby leave far from each others houses. 

I decided to go home and drop off my things and see if my brother was home or if he wanted me to go to the shop for him, I got home to a quite house I placed the things in my room and locked the door when I left out. I walked down my road towards the main road to go to the chicken & chip shop, I walked In to my surprise it wasnt packed or full of the usually boys that hang around here.

"hello, what would you like darlin?" the man asked me

"two pieces of chicken and chips please" he took my order and gave mr my food shortly after.

"that would be £2 darlin" I handed him the money and just as I was about to walk out a bag of boys walked in... they were the same boys from the morning so they were Tys boys but I didn't see him their so I looked down and tried walking out fast but then someone decided to stand in my way. "excuse me pleaseI said to the person standing in my way "what you can't look up and say it" I didn't recognise the voice so I looked up to see try standing there with a grin on his face I was kinda shy towards him "sorry, excuse me please" he moved and decided to follow me....

look who's back in sorry to all my readers I took so long my phone broke but I'm back now so let me know how the welcoming back chapter went for you all.

please comment and vote xo

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