Chapter 7

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  Kendalls POV

We arrived at the beach.

There was a large red blanket with candels and rose petals surrounding it.

"This is beautiful Taylor."

When I sat down their was a picnic basket.

Taylor opened it and there were two sanwiches and one big slushie for us to share.

We ate our food and then Taylor finally spoke out.

"We should go pennyboarding tomorrow"

"Yes and get froyo."

"Kendall there's something I want to tell you"


"I like you alot.. and I just want you to be mine."

"Taylor... I feel the same way but I think we should get to know each other more."


Taylors POV

I finally confessed my feelings for her and I basically get turned down, but I respect the fact she wants to wait.

She's so perfect..

I know she wants to wait but what if she catches feelings for Matt or Cam or any of the guys?!

I can't have that happen! She will be mine.

I like her way to much to lose her...

After the date we went to the hotel and cuddled.

But you don't have to be a couple to cuddle.

"Tay I'm glad I have you" she whispered

"I'm glad I have you too"

I said kissing her head

She fell asleep with her head in the crook of my neck.

the next morning

I woke up and made her cinnamon toast.


she didn't come out the room

I walked in there only to find her kissing...

So ya she kissed someone.. from Magcon.. not tay

Keep reading and waiting for updates to find out



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