Meeting him

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Samantha Aura Moretz POV:

I swallowed staring at the school map in my hand. None of my previous schools were as big as the one i got admitted into today for my junior year with a full scholarship.

I had no idea that Eastwood High would be so huge. People were staring at me as I was meant to be entitled as the 'new kid'. I hoped I would bump  onto some random good guy who could help me...but trust me those don't happen in real life.

So i ended up almost tripping on a trash I was also feeling awkward to ask for directions from the students as they were all staring at me like i was the only pineapple in a pizza. I don't know if thats supposed to be a good or a bad thing.

I ended up getting late for my first class as i didn't have much time to go through the map. And i had to drop Chole to her class which took like forever.
My first class was physics. Mr.David, my physics teacher seemed to be a friendly person and he didn't even say anything for being late and showed me a sit to sit down.

As soon as i sat down I got a small chit which the girl next to me passed.
I opened it not knowing what to expect. "Wanna come to my party tonight hotty?~ Alex"

I blinked looking at the message and looked around to see who it might be from. Then i saw a guy with brown hair smirking and raising an eyebrow like he was wanting an answer from me. He wasn't that bad looking. His features showed that he was like one of those player boys.

I smiled at him and made a really girly face constantly blinking my eyes looking at him. His friends noticed that and laughed and he smiled.

Then I turned around and raised my hand. Mr. David noticed me at that instant and asked me what happened. I stood up and handed him the chit.

Some of the students made an oo expression while some were laughing. I looked back and saw Alex's expression. He could win a 'what the hell' expression Oscar for that.

Mr.David took the chit and read it. He  narrowed his eyes at Alex and suddenly yelled  at him,'Get out!Now!." Even i was shocked. It felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. I only thought he would give him detention or just scold him. The class had pin drop silence.

I didn't know what to do. Alex took his bag and went out of the class. I sat down again and didn't even move till the class ended.

I got out of class and thought I had to apologize to Alex. Maybe i shouldn't but i felt bad for him. I wanted him to be punished but not like that.

I almsot rushed through the hallway as i spotted him walking towards the classes. And then...Bam!

Perfect timing... I didn't hit the trash can this time but a homo sapien. I cursed under my breath and my vision got hazy. I couldnt get up. My hands and legs felt numb.And then everything turned black.


I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling as i was lying on a bed.I wasn't really surprised or panicked  cause things like this happened to me way too often.

I was surprised when I saw this guy in a jean jacket sitting beside the window. Kind of smiling and daydreaming. He looked like a model posing.He noticed i looked at him and he turned to my direction as he stood up.

The first thing that came in my mind was, "Are you an actor?" And sadly I said it out loud too. I am amazed how well i can control my actions.(note the sarcasm)

He smiled. The kind of smile which is not to impress others but to just smile.
He raised his eyebrows still smiling and said, "Am I an actor?"

And that is how I met him.

Next Chapter: Going to the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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