~Chapter 1~

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Leah's P.O.V

You wake up on you're bed for the last time. Well until you get out of college. You grab you're phone on you're night stand next to you're oils difuser thing. (I have no idea what their called) you look at the time and it raeds 9:00am, you have to leave to get at you're flight in time at 3:00pm. you groun and get up out of bed. You walk down staires you see you mom crying into you're dads shoulder.

"Mom" you start to say "you have been crying since i got accepted at university of California in Los Angeles You knew this was going to happen"

"I know. But," you're mom you're mom pulls her head away and wipes her tears. "You're leaving today" says you're mom. You're dad even starts to cry. You never seen him cry before. Only at thier wedding and when you went to you're great grandpas grave. He is not you're real dad. You call him dad because he is the only father figure in you're life. You're real dad left you and you're younger brother for drugs and lots of time in prision. But you're mom is you're real mom.

"Mom, dad, stop you're making me cry." you then start to cry and hug them both.

"What's happing?" asked you're 14 year old brother, Mason. "Oh, right" he doesn't understand most of it but he understand enough. He loves you a lot and would hate to see you leave." don't leave sissy" he says crying and hugging you guys.

"I have too"

*after about 10 minutes of that*

"We should do something to enjoy the last day with her intell spring break" says Mason.

"Good shkosh for sawdust days.you wear this:

When you get there you see a lot of kids

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When you get there you see a lot of kids. Mostly middle school kids going on a 'date'. They have no idea what love is. I mean i had a boyfriend and said "i love you" but now i realize that I had no idea. You guys decide to go on the zipper first. this is the Zipper for those of you who don't know what it is.

*2 hours later*

you guys finish and decide to go home.  you pack up the last of your clothes and walk to the living  room. 

"sweetie, i hate to see you go, but you have to," said your mom

"mom, im sorry, i will love you and i will see you during spring break" you replyed

"come on Leah time to leave" said Dad.

"bye, sissy" said Mason.

"even though we fought everyday, I still love you" you say hugging him.

*skip car ride*

"bye daddy" you say getting out of the car hugging him.

"bye sweet heart" he kisses you forehead.

You walk in the airport waving to you're dad starting to cry. You don't want to embarass you're self so you turn around, wipe you tears and walk in the airport.

*skip to plane ride*

Sorry, i don't know how an airport works. i never went to one

You find you're spot on the plane and went on you're phone watching you're favorite youtuber Logan paul. I know not all of you like him, but I do and i don't want it to be Reaction Time or any others from Free Time.

*skip plane ride*

You grab you're luggage and get a taxi to you're dorm room. You walk in and see 2 girls and 1 guy.

"Hello, you must be Leah" said 1 of the girls she was dark with brown curly hair that looked like an afro. The other was white with blonde hair, looked like one of those SUPER snotty girls and the guy looked like a Jock with dark brown hair and white skin.

"Yeah" you reply

"I'm Abbe, this is Grace and this is Jack"

"Hi, nice to meet you Leah" said Grace

"You too Grace"

"Hi, Leah" said Jack

"Hello, Jack, it is nice to meet you guys"

"Lets go outside and make new friends" said Jack

"Good idea lets go" said Abbe.you defiently just made new best friends.

You guys walked outside and seen a lot of people. Some guys were hot and some were ugly. And some of the girls looked even more snotty then Grace and others were either reading, skateboarding or just hanging like an average girl would. You seen a hot boy he had dark blonde hair white skin and a muscler body. 

"Who is that?" you asked Abbe staring at him.

"That's Tal Fishman, the kids around him are David, Anthony and Micheal." you don't think that Anthony and Micheal are that attractive. You guys kept on walking and checking out clubs. It turns out Grace woesn't actually that snotty, she is very nice.

"Oh my god, Leah, isn't Jack so hot?" asked Grace

"um... sure" you say

"I like him, but he's a hot jock and all the stupid snotty girls all love him, and why would he like me?"

"Grace, have you never read any books or seen any movies? Popular guys never like those girls, they think they are annoying"

"Thanks. I should pretend i'm in a movie?"


"It's great to have a friend like you" says Grace putting her around you're neck.

"You too"

*2 hours later*

After all that fun stuff you guys headed back to you're dorm.

"Lets order Pizza, socialise and go to bed i'm SUPER tired" said Jack

"I agree" said Abbe.

You ate you're pizza.

"You happy, for classes tommmrow?" asked Grace

"Not at all" all 3 of you guys said at the same time. You all laughed.

"I'm going to bed, i'm going just going to put my clothes in my dresser and do the rest tommrow" you say.

"Me too" said Abbe.

You guys went to bed and left Grace and Jack alone.

Thanks for reading. How do you like chapter 1? Give me some ideas for some more chapters. sorry for any spelling errors, im trying my best.

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