The First day I transferred to Hell

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       Hanasaki Kensuke POV~~~     I arrived at Demon Blood Moon High School on a bright yellow bus. When the bus stopped it was time to get off so I got off the bus. I started heading towards the school I went to the teachers room to say that I am a new student and where will be my classroom and classmates ?.   The teacher said ,¨Do you have any papers to prove that you are transferring to this school ?¨ {maybe he is gonna have ten papers}  I gave her the papers there were ten in total . She took the papers and made it into a student ID the  she put the important important  things like my status which is a student , name , class , the ID number ,  grade ,  my birthday { I have no clue when his birthday is so I am going to make it up } , gender ,  and age.
 After one hour of the paperwork she had to do  she said,¨

     Alright Hanasaki Kensuke step into the photo booth and smile like you always do.¨ she smiled at me , I stepped into photo booth and smiled cheerfully like I always do. Like a kid receiving a lollipop or a stuffed animal for the first time.  She took the picture and she add to my student ID  printed it out , and limited it , she gave it to me. My ID said Name:  Hanasaki Kensuke , class: 101 , the ID number is 1217101 ,  Grade : 10 [ making this up sorry is it is not right.]                                 Birthday : September 9th , Gender is [obviously ] male ,  and my age is 15 .   

  She grabbed her card  and her textbook , we stated heading towards the classroom. She told me too wait outside  the classroom , so I did just that.



{   Inside The Classroom } 

Inside of the classroom it was a mess like someone just had a big birthday party. The teacher said ,¨ Alright class sit down and behave for a moment we have a new student.¨ They all sit down it their sits facing towards the teacher , the teacher said,¨ Alright like I said we have a new student coming into this classroom please treat him will, ok you may come in the class.¨ 

 The  next thing that didn't  expect to see was a big slap in the face for me at least...  
I saw my best friend who I had a crush on for a long time...

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