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Security is always tighter for a few weeks after a jailbreak. More guards are brought in and the rules are enforced a little more. Max and I do our best to lay low, not wanting to get on the radar of one of the uptight guards. But it doesn't take long to slip up.

We were out in the courtyard, which wasn't somewhere Max and I frequented but today just seemed like a nice day to be out. The courtyard is nothing more than a fenced out area with some benches in one area and the exercise yard on the other part.

The thing about free time is when you choose a location you're committed to it for the rest of that days free time. So when some guys started staring at Max and I, no matter where we moved, we were forced to stay confined in that area.

The group consisted of three different guys. There was Greg (seems like he can't just leave us alone), a guy that looked like a garden gnome, and some Asian Jake Paul looking guy. They were clearly giving us looks while making snide comments amongst themselves. Max had taken just as much notice as me and I was beginning to get pissed off.

In a burst of confidence fueled by anger and annoyance, I got to my feet and marched right over to them. Max called after me, begging me to just stay sitting with him, but I ignored him and kept walking.

"Something you assholes wanna say?" I ask as I walk up to them.

"We were just talking about how gay you and your friend over there look," the Asian says.

Then the gnome chimes in "imagine all the shit they do when they're alone in a cell together."

And Greg "I can barely even blame you for it, you'll be here for the rest of your life so what's it matter if you bend one boy over while he screams."

It's that comment that makes me snap, just knowing that that sick fuck would more than likely do something like that. So I don't feel bad when I punch him so hard that I hear a crack and his nose starts to bleed, nor do I feel bad when I shove him to the ground and start beating the living hell out of him.

I only feel bad when I grabbed and thrown to the ground myself. The impact is enough to send all air from my body and all sense from my head. Then I feel the beating. The other two guys were beating me with such great force that all I felt was the pain.

In a blur, I saw both the guys get pushed away from me. My head was pounding and everything was starting to blacken but I could still see that Max had stepped in and was trying to get them off of me. It only resulted in him getting hit hard enough to knock him down. I wanted nothing more than to scream for them to not touch him but I was out before I could even open my mouth.


I woke up a few hours later in the infirmary. It was only one medium-sized room so I could see most of the other people in here.

Max laid on the bed next to mine, a gash across his forehead and dried blood on his face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was even.

I tried to get out of bed and go to him but I was cuffed in. I needed to get to him.

A nurse walked in and noticed me trying to get free and rushed over to me. "If you don't stop I'm going to have to bring a guard in."

She spoke confidently but her shaking hands gave away that she was afraid. She held a fearful gaze in her brown eyes. She won't last long if this is how she is.

But I stopped struggling and just sat there, holding her gaze. "Is he okay?"

She flashed me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Max," I point to him, "Is he okay?"

"Oh," she nods. "He's fine, just sleeping actually. He needed stitches on his arm but other than that he's perfectly fine."

"What happened to his arm?" I ask.

"At some point during the fight someone pulled out a makeshift weapon and your friend got hit," she explains.

"When can we leave?" I question.

She picks up a clipboard from a counter across the room, looking over it for a minute before speaking "You have to stay until tomorrow but he can leave as soon as he provides a statement for the incident."

I nod. "Well thanks, I guess," I take a quick second to look at the small name embroidered on her uniform, "Anisa."

"It's no problem," she smiles brightly. "Just let me know if you need anything."

"Will do." With that, she leaves me alone. I look over at Max and see his bandaged arm. I wish I knew who did that so I could personally punish them.

Max's eyes open a little while later and he immediately meets mine. He jumps up immediately to a sitting position, then flinches at the feeling of his arm.

"Don't hurt yourself now," I say to him.

"I'm just so glad you're awake," he smiles. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up. You hit your head so hard."

"Is that what happened?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it was bad," he tells me. "I was really scared."

"Don't worry, Max," I flash him a kind smile. "As long as you're here I'll be here to take care of you."

"I'm glad to hear that," he smiles back. I'd do anything to keep that smile from never leaving his face.


The guards were more than upset about the fight. Max and I provided statements of exactly what happened but because it was the two of us versus the three of them, their side was taken. Of course, no one else will provide statements because they "weren't there" or "didn't see." That's one thing about people in here, they only look out for themselves.

Max and I were now under a tight watch. It isn't as bad for him as it is for me because it's the first time he's been in trouble. This is my second time in just a few weeks. If I keep it up they might transfer me to a high-security facility. That's the last place I want to be, especially with Max here.

From now on, I'll only do what's absolutely necessary. No more letting my anger get the best of me. If I get sent away, it'll be for a hell of a good reason.

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