Chapter 3: Starships

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A/N A really short chapter, but we are starting to get into a little bit more. Again - not edited. 


Man, okay so I added a little bit more to the end...but not much because I really couldn't think of where else to go with that, dancing, dancing, and then what? So Brandon went home :)

Chapter 3: Starships

I woke up to the sound of an alarm going off. It was 9 am and I realized that I needed to go over my routines for my dances that I am doing for graduation and the assembly today. I quickly got dressed in black fitted boy shorts and a white classic v-neck ballet top. I ran up the stairs to my dance studio. The studio consisted of 3 different sections. Section 1 was the audio recording, Section 2 was video recording, and Section 3 was dance. The studio gave me plenty of learning opportunities, I was able to record songs, mix songs for dancing, record myself dancing, and practise different shots. It was amazing.

I walked over to Section 3 and turned on Starships, the song I am dancing to for the assembly and started doing my routine. I practised that routine for about 40 minutes before heading back to my room to text Connor to make sure he was going.

The rest of the day went by pretty slow. I started getting ready around 2:30 as I had to be at the school for 3:30. I curled my hair, and put a thin layer of eyeliner over my eyes. Since school was out the students didn’t have to wear their uniforms to the assembly, however the assembly was mandatory. I got dressed in my dance outfit of a pair of black shorts and a grey v-neck. I walked downstairs to see my parents ready to go, with Connor standing at the door.

We climbed in my mom’s car and took off in the direction of the school. As we pulled up we found a hard time finding a parking spot in the crowded lot. We finally settled on a space and walked to the front doors of the school. We got our seats and dinner was served shortly after. The school settled on 2 menus, the first consisted of chicken and rice, and the second was a vegetarian menu of Tofu Salad. Our table of course chose the chicken.

“Hey guys, I have to go into the back, because I’m part of the assembly” I said as I headed towards the back of the auditorium.

I was so excited about my performance that I barely paid attention to the assembly. It was just a bunch of speeches about how to be safe during the summer, and wishing people well. It really was boring. They started the talent portion of the assembly and one by one everyone started making their way on stage. Jason Corbin played a song by City and Colour on guitar, Michelle Jacobs sang Call Me Maybe, and I nearly wanted to shoot myself. Finally it was my turn, as the last performer my nerves started getting to me. However I made my way on the dark stage and got into position.

The music started, and I started moving.  My routine was fairly simple for an average dancer, but because it was so upbeat and fast, most people would have a hard time getting the hang of it. I slid through the routine like it was nothing, and everyone cheered when I was done. I walked off stage and bumped into something hard. I looked up to apologize when I realized who I bumped into.

Brandon Jamieson. Brandon is 6’1 with sandy blonde hair which falls into his brown eyes. Last year Brandon tried out for one of those dancing shows they air on T.V and didn’t make it through. They told him he was an amazingly inspiring dancer, but he wasn’t ready for the competition. Ever since then he’s made his whole life a competition. He competes with his friends with how many girls he can date in one year, and he competes with dancing, and competes with singing, and sports. He’s turned into a complete ass. We used to be friends before that, but he just got out of control.

“Well hello Chrissie. How are you?” He asked casually.

“Out of breath” I replied breathing heavily. “I just got done dancing.” I finished.

“I saw that, you should really work on your form more.” He replied.

“My form is perfectly fine; I’m a trained dancer Brandon.”

“Yeah, well I seen you mess up a little bit.”

“No, I really didn’t. It was my routine that was the way the routine was meant to be.”

“I could get that routine in 5 minutes, are you kidding?” He asked.

“Challenged accepted. My house tonight, we will see how fast you get that routine down.” I replied. He stood their shocked at what had just happened, I couldn’t wait to prove to him that he wasn’t the best out there. But to tell you the truth, I miss dancing with him. He was a great partner.

I walked out and met Connor at the doors with my parents.

“That was great Chris!” Connor exclaimed!

“Thanks,” I replied “Brandon is coming over tonight; he thinks he can nail that routine in 5 minutes.” I replied.

“Oh okay, well make sure you guys aren’t up too late.” My father said.

“Don’t worry dad.” I replied as we got into the car, “however I do want him to dance with me again, he was a great partner.” I finished.

We dropped Connor off at his house and we finished our way home. Brandon was sitting on the front steps when we arrived.

“I hope I’m not intruding.” He said as we pulled up.

“Oh not at all Hun, come on in.” My mother replied.

“Okay Brandon, follow me upstairs and we will work on that routine.”

An hour passed and Brandon still didn’t get the routine down, although he was pretty close.

“Okay, so it’s a bit harder than I thought.” He laughed.

He finally got it after an hour and a half.

“Man, I miss dancing with you, we were always in sync.” He replied.

“Well, we could always pick up where we left off”

“Really? You’d want to?” He asked.

“Yeah, I miss dancing with you” I said nonchalantly.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

 Inside I was bursting. The duo was going to work together again? I was in complete shock, yes Brandon and I had been inseparable when we were kids, but the fact was the he changed, and here we were sitting in my studio once again, talking about the dance competition at the end of the summer, and that we should compile a list of songs and throw some routines together. It all happened too fast.

“Well, tonight was fun. I’ll call you sometime this week?” Brandon asked we descended the stairs.

“Sounds like a plan.” I said.

I watched him jump into his old ford pick-up and drive off before returning to my room for the night.

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