Who Knew?

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Max was usually quiet. Her basic nature included being so, and shy, and surprisingly, nosey. People usually didn't find the last one so endearing.

Although, right now, she was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her voice from betraying her. What with Chloe's hand creeping down her sweatpants, tracing her abdomen with anxious fingers, heading down to where Max wanted her, but didn't at the same time. Joyce and David would hear her. She'd never live it down. Ever.

"Chloe..." She said again, trying to get Chloe to either hurry up or stop, she wasn't quite sure option out of the two, but she new the stakes were high. David could come busting in any minute."We shouldn't..."

"Ssshh, quiet, remeber?" Was her answer, along with a lick over the shell of her ear. She shivered, reaching a arm behind her and fisting it in the punks electric blue hair, messy from sleep. It must have been three or so in the morning, an ungodly hour to be up, but she had been having trouble sleeping and had woken Chloe up with her tossing and turning. The punk had given her that look, practically ripped Max's shirt off, and now they were here. Max on Chloe's lap, facing the very closet she had to take shelter in a week ago, the punk behind her, teasing her with what was to come.

"Ass-"she whimpered, covering her mouth as tiny whimpers rose in her throat. Hot lips kissed her neck, slow enough to drive her desire through the roof. In a weird way, the threat of being caught made this all the more desirable. Like for once, time was something she didn't have.

"You know it."Max stopped Chloe's hands from reaching their destination with her own trembling hand. Chloe huffed in disappointment."Dude, c'mon. I know you're hella stressed. Schools been taking alot out of you..this could help.."Chloe suggested, reaching he other hand around to cup her breast. Max arched into the touch, already feeling like she'd lost the standoff between them. Her body was betraying her, to the point where she didn't care if anyone heard. This felt good, and Chloe was right. School had sucked ass recently, and she'd been too stressed to do anything but study and sleep. Even then, she worried about her work, causing her to toss and turn, just like tonight. Although this time, it was different. Chloe was here.

"F-fine." Max gave in, untensing her body and slowly, ever so slowly, releasing her grip on Chloe's hand."-but be gentle ok?" She could feel Chloe smile against her skin."No problem."

Fingers dipped down into her heat, and she closed her eyes. She'd missed Chloe alot. She hadn't seen her all week, to busy with tests and trying to stay well rested. She hadn't had time to come over, until yesterday. Even then, she had been on edge, her body pushed to it's limits. She remembered leaning into Chloe's touch on the couch when they'd watched a movie earlier that evening and thinking thing's about Chloe's fingers that she probobly shouldn't have with Joyce in the room, But she had. So, it wasn't a surprise that she already felt pretty close to breaking.

As she asked, Chloe went slow. Soft daring touches and a steady flow of kisses on her neck kept her grounded to the punk behind her. She tried to keep her breathing steady, but was having a hard time. Her hips began to grind in tune with Chloe's hand, slow and long thrusts into wet heat met with the slow curling motion of her hips. Sweet nothing's whispered in her ear, telling her how much she needed this and how much Chloe missed her.

"You're so gorgeous, Max."

"Look at you..."

"You're so wet"

"Hun-"She gritted her teeth against the feeling in her gut. More moans than she would have liked escaping her. Chloe laughed, low in her throat, slowing down her movements. Max let out a sigh, both loving and hating the new rhythm. Going slower would help her be more quiet and aware, but she wanted more. Alot more.

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