She's so amazing

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An: edited a few things. Sorry for taking it down for so long


"So if you could have one thing for breakfast, for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Chloe leaned over the table, hands out by her sides in a dramatic fashion. Max smirked, a mouthful of bacon making it impossible to answer. She held up a finger, asking for a moment to chew her food. Chloe sighed, hands coming to rest on the table with a thump."Oh come on. The suspense is killing me."

She shrugged, and Chloe smiled."Hurry up dork." She nodded and eventually, swallowed her food."Bacon. Specifically, your moms bacon. It's the best." She wiped her hands on her napkin, looking down to find something to do in the silence, and caught Chloe looking at her out of the corner of her eye. She looked dazed, head propped on her hand and tilted like a questioning puppy.

"What is it?" She asked, feeling herself flush.

"You're just really pretty, Caulfeild."

"Oh shutup."She said, rolling her eyes."What about you? What would you pick?"

"Eh, I'd pick bacon too." She said , drinking the rest of her orange juice in one last gulp. Chloe always ate like she was starving. Must be a fast metabolism or something because she was still as thin and lanky as she'd always been."Or that cereal we always ate as kids. That shit is so hard to find now 'a days."

"There are different flavours in Seattle, actually. Strawberry became my new favorite." The punk looked like she'd just been told the most staggering news in her life and groaned. Max chuckled at her pretend misery.

"No way! That's so unfair. Arcadia man. We're so stuck in the past." She shook her head, smiling as well because Max's laughter was growing infectious."I didn't even know what I was missing."

"We'll have to take a road trip someday and get some."

"Sounds good."

She had to go to class soon, but god did she want to stay here. Maybe even go back to bed and snuggle Chloe until whenever she felt like getting up again. She wanted to shut out the world. The feeling of mornings at the Price house had stayed the same, even if David was there. Calm, mellow. Breakfast.

"I know you'd be completely happy with staring at me all day, but don't you have to get to class soon?" Had she really been staring? Damn. Smooth Max. Even though they had been dating for a while, slip ups like that still made her embarrassed.

"Yeah I do, until three." Today was going to be a full day and she was not looking forward to it. Being around people she didn't like and working on group projects by herself didn't even begin to compare to spending the day with her girlfriend.

"Oof. I'll drive you and pick you up if you like."

"Thank you my faithful chauffeur."

"Anytime."The punk replied, stretching in her chair. She lifted her hands over her head, tank top rising over he navel and exposing her waist. That perfect, goddamn v that led down to more private places always made Max's head spin. To think that She had touched beyond that still thrilled her, And that was just the idea. Actually doing it was amazing. She blinked, stupidly in the punks direction, trying to move her gaze to more civil places. Luckily, the other girl didn't notice because her eyes were closed as she stretched. The taller girl let out a tiny moan as she lowered her arms.

"I want to go back to sleep, Max."

"Me too." She replied, clearing her throat afterwards."Bad."

A wolfish smile came across the punks face as she stood up from the table, walking over to Max and dragging her up to her feet. When they stood in front of each other, Max had to look up to meet the other girls eyes. As soon as she did, Chloe pulled their hips flush and wrapped her arms around her lower back. Her breath caught in her throat.

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