Day 1

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My name is Thomas jackson,Today,is the big day,im fanally going to fly to another country,today is the day i get in a plane for the first time,i was so exited,im turning 19 next month and i have dream for this day since i was little,i said goodbye to my family, and began my journey,when i got in the plane the told me the emergency uses and all diferent stuff,then they told me to sit and wait for takeoff.

I always dream to be in one,but things are going weird not only my nerves,but...the captain is acting strange,he is saying weird stuff like engine damage and all that.Im ok because is my first time so thats have to be my nerves playing whit me, but then it start shaking and babys started crying,when the shaking stopped the captain said that it was just turbulence,moments later the plane started doing some weird sounds
,i tried to sleep but I couldn't,i had this feeling,like if something was going to happen so quietly i called the woman in service of the food and i ask her for water,she said"I'll be right back",i look at her leave,she was in a hurry,she was almost runnig to the captain cabin,but she tried to blend in,it was weird and all but i didnt pay to much attention to that because i was tierd.

"Attention passangers we r talking to comunicate you that engine number 1 is going to shut down so be calm dont panic". Those where the captain word before the engine explode.It went strait down like a rocket,in a part of the plane there was a hole cause by the explosion,people start falling i was panic,i didn't knew what to do so i stayed at my seat whit the mask on my face,then the captain said prepare for impact,so i grabbed on the seat,and prepared for impact,after that  i don't remember much,only flashes,i wish this was a dream...

I woke up in the beach,It was so quiet,i tried to stand up but i was to tierd,when i finaly got up,i yelled "hey!!,is sombody there!?!" Nobody answer,it was a nightmare,i started looking for people,i was getting frustated,but i didnt loose it,i didnt give up ,so i started gettin supply's from the crash,i didnt found allot of food,most of then fell before the crash,but i found enough for atleast a week,but food wasnt all i needed,i needed defence and shelter,for defense i got a hatchet,"you dont know maybe some monkeys attack me and i need defense"and a lighter,for shelter i cut one of the seats of the plane and put it by a
fire next to the plane,sun was settin down so i shelter in the fire and tried to sleep.

When the night started,it was so Dark,it was like if the sea has eaten the moon and the stars,it was so scary only the sounds of the sea and the hard wind hitting the palms,the only thing that was illuminating the beach was the fire from the crash,suddenly a strong wind turned the fire off,i started hearing something running trough the tall grass,i grabbed the axe and hopped to that it was a monkey attack,but the running stopped,then i heard a roar,i stayed frozen I couldn't even feel my breathing,i was so scared,not because of the roar or the running,but because in the whole day a didnt saw life,no animal, no nothing,in that moment all kind of questions came into my mind,"¿where are the bodies of the people who died in the crash?","¿where is the animals?,"¿if i was all alone what did just happened?",but there was this question that realy had me frightened,"¿what was that thing?"i sat in one of the plane seats and waited to go to sleep by myself,after 20 minutes i fell to sleep...

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