Chapter 18

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The walk to the showers felt like a life time. Every step down the metal hallway echoed painfully in my ear and reminded me of the dread to come. The blood and flesh splattering Nico's chest had begun to soak into the back of my shirt, I desperately tried not to puke at the feel of it.

But the worst part of the walk was the feel of Nico's arms around me. The warmth and strength that cocooned around me, that made a small part of me, a part I thought had died the moment he left me in that cage with Skinner, come winking back to life. A small flame that I desperately wanted to wink out of existence. A flame that caused the rest of me to recoil in disgust, a flame that just wouldn't be extinguished.

As if Nico could feel that flame he hugged me closer to him, "Almost there my love." Little did he know how uneasy those words actually made me.

We approached a metal door, no different than any other door in the prison. He reached an arm out and opened it. It opened up to a bathroom with a giant shower in it. I was surprised at the cleanliness of it, the white tile was flawless, much like the rest of the washroom.

He gently set me down by the shower, before walking over and turning it on. Water sprinkled from numerous faucets at the top of the shower, steam immediately began to fill the washroom.

He slowly turned toward me and began walking in my direction, I expected to see a predatory look in his eyes but I was startled when I saw that they were filled with a sort of gentleness I was not expecting.

He reached me and cupped my face in his large hands, "Let's get you cleaned up." It was then that I realized it's been days since my last shower, days since I've last slept well unless you include passing out from being cut open.

I kept my face neutral as he grasped the bottom of my shirt and began to pull it up. When it was off I knew exactly where his eyes would go there was no use trying to hide my bare breasts from his sight. And yet his eyes never left mine, not even when my pants were removed and I stood completely bare before him.

Soon his prison clothes were off and a blush stained my cheeks at what that meant. I refused to look anywhere but his eyes for that very reason. He took my hand in his and backed into the shower, the warm water hit my body and I closed my eyes at the feeling of the water running along my body. Thankfully the medication on my back kept the area numb and free from pain.

Me eyes snapped open as I felt his hand on my shoulder, his other hand held a bar of soap. "Turn around." His voice was soft and yet hard at the same time, leaving no room for disobeying. The water running down his body had cleaned off any bits of Skinner from his skin, restoring it to its former glory.

I was all to happy to turn my back to him, seeing him dripping wet did things to me that I didn't care to admit to myself.

A shiver rolled down my spin when his hands started massaging the soap into my hair. My head tilted back on its own accord and I couldn't help the small smile that slipped onto my face.

My head snapped toward his when his hands left my hair and moved to the front of my body. I stared into his eyes as his hands cupped my breasts and massaged them. I was torn between batting his hands away and leaning into their touch, for the sake of maintaining of my act I told myself. But the more his hands moved, the more that little flame roared.

I decided to stay still and the ignore the heat gathering between my thighs and the sparks dancing in Nico's eyes. Water droplets dripped from his slick hair to his full lips, where they made a path to the hard plains of his chest. They rolled down the muscles of his body and I adverted my eyes when they met the thin line of dark hair leading from just below his belly button to his manhood.

We were both silent as his hands left my breasts and worked the rest of my body. Massaging my stomach and then my thighs leaving suds of soap in his wake. My breath hitched when his hands neared my core and before I could get any closer I took a step away from him.

"I can do that myself thanks." I snarled out angry at the way my body reacted to him, angry that his hands made my thighs shake and stomach tighten.

I expected annoyance or anger or even a witty, overly sexual response. Instead I got silence. I turned my head back to him and realized exactly where he was staring. This was the first time he was fully seeing my torn back, this was the first time he was seeing what he did to me.

The water from the shower remained warm but it was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on me. Forcing that flame to retreat into the smallest corner of my mind, it's light flickering unsteadily. The lack of pain had made me forget who Nico truly was, a sadistic monster.

His voice was quiet as he spoke, the soap forgotten in his hand, "I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted you to see. You and I, we belong together, I know you feel it too. I see it on your face sometimes. I don't want to hurt you again, I hate seeing you in pain. And I won't have to hurt you again, I just need you to behave."

I wanted to hit him, I wanted to grab the soap from his hand and chuck it at his face. Was he so deranged that he thought it was my fault? Like I was just some little kid who misbehaved and got a time out for it?? I wanted to scream at him, but I couldn't because if I did there was no chance in hell I'd ever see my brother again.

So I closed the distance between us and places a hand on his cheek, "I know, and I will behave. I just need some time." My voice was a plea and yet it was a promise at the same time, a promise that things would get better that we would be okay.

He brushed the wet strands of hair from my face, "You must be exhausted my love, let's get you to bed." He turned off the shower and wrapped me in a towel. He dried himself off and then quickly put his clothes back on.

He picked me up into his arms and we left the washroom. The tears of shame and anger that slipped from my eyes were concealed by the droplets of water still hugging my face.

So this was short but I wanted to get an update in. There is a revised version of this book but I will be updating this book with new chapters on here until the revised version is caught up to this one. The revised version just makes a lot more sense and has a clearer story line. Therefore once it is up to date I urge you guys to read that one instead. Although some of you guys aren't the biggest fans of it I believe that it is not only going to be a better book but also a more solid and cohesive one. I appreciate all of your guys comments and feedback it means the world to me!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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