hard times

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i got a knock on the door. it was blake. he came in so mad and furious.

juliana: ummm hi, what are you doing here?

blake: im here because i hear your fukin dating a guy named jake?

juliana: why do you want to know?

blake: because i need to know

juliana: okay yeah im going out with him

blake: are you fuking kidding me, juliana

juliana: why would you care anyways, dont you have a girlfriend

blake: yeah but it doesnt mean you can go around with other boys, i still care about you

juliana: really? cuz if you really care about me, you and i would still be together, but no you decided to move on and go out with someone else. you knew i loved you but i guessed you didnt love me. so i moved on

i shoved him out of my house and i started to cry, i still loved blake. i needed comfort so i decided to call jake. i needed him.

6 months later

it was a friday afternoon and i went to the doctors with alex to look at the baby. while the drive alex and i were talking.

alex: so have you talked to blake yet about anything, whats your status between him

juliana: well we arent talking, and basically he does whatever he does and i do whatever i do

alex: when the baby comes whats gonna happend?

juliana: honestly i dont even know

we were right infront of the hospital and we were inside waiting for my apointment

when the doctor called me i went in with alex

doctor: so are you wondering what the sex of the baby is today?

juliana: yes sir

what will the gender be and boy or a girl? 

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