Chapter 3

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I woke up with a bad ass headache .Against my wishes,I knew I had to go job hunting.7000 dollars wasn't gonna last long.

I forced myself into the shower.Put on a cute little sundress and went on about my business.I found myself walking down 5th avenue searching for Places that were hiring.

"Let's See.."

I continued walking down the street,carelessly like this wasn't god damn New York.

"Ayee watch where yuu goin.!"

I looked up suddenly..and I seriously couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Chris Brown.😩♥️😍

"Omgg I'm So Sorry.!!I adverted my eyes from his.I was so embarrassed.!

Why was he staring at me like that.?Why he smiling so hard.?Its my hair isn't it.?!!!!OH LAWD ITS MY HAIR.!

I never walked away so fast in my life.!

I turned around and he still had that same smile.I didn't know what to do..I just knew I had to get away from him .

With my mind cleared I spotted a sign on a nearby building.


"ATTENTION:New exotic dancers (Strippers) Needed.We are now hiring.!

Must be in good shape.Ages:18-27"


I thought for a's not like I was gonna be having sex with people like back at Dashawn's ..and I would get paid every night..on top of that I was qualified.!

I'm 19,great body,and I have had experience with working on the pole.!(Long Story.)I looked at the bottom of the flyer:


Auditions will be held all week from 2:00 PM -8:00PM @Legendary 8 Night Club"


I asked a passing citizen where the club was.He pointed me south.I quickly walked down there hellaaa confident.

I got to the building..which was HUGE.

A black girl with rainbow colored weave was at the front desk.

"Ayee..what Yuu won't.?"

I smiled.."Um..I'm looking for the Stripper Auditions.??"

She led me to a room with one pole and about 4-5 girls in a line.Two good looking guys were also there.

"Go strip ya clothes."the woman with the skittles hair directed.

5 minutes later when I came out,there was only 2 girls left.Lord knows I was nervous.!

One of the men stood up and walked towards me.

"Hey..I know da broad who bumped into Chris."

I laughed..remembering the incident.

"Yeahh That's me .!"I said all cheery and shit.

The dude laughed too.

"What's ya name Baby?."

I cleared my throat.

"Uhh..It's Lorraine Bryant.But some people know me as Lorraine Cocaine.."

The man moved closer.

"I'm Lucas.Chris' Brother."

I nodded in understanding.

"Yeah..y'all look alike..!"

Lucas Motioned me to the pole,I had obviously forgot what I was doing here.

They played "Freak Hoe By Speaker Knockerz" One of my favorite songs.

I took an alcohol wipe and wiped down the pole.With that..I did my shit.

When I was through and the song was over Both Lucas and the other dude were sweating.I mean..I knew I was good but not that good.!!

The other man came and gave me his phone number with the name "Chris" written on the back.OH MY GOD.

" this..

The guy nodded.

"Haha..Yeah Loraine That's Chris' number..he owns this club so you're gonna audition for him privately tomorrow..he makes the final decisions..but as far as Lucas and I are definitely made it."

I was hype.!!!!!😂😂😂😂

I was actually going to work for Chris Brownn.!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG.!!!!👏👏👏👏👏I needed to call someone..Like my best friend who I haven't heard from In months.

Santana Martinez.

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