Chapter Nine: The Decision

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Omg, sorry for waiting about 10 months to update again. The last time I posted was a week after school started and here I am updating a week after school ended. I hope you guys don't hate me for anything xc


Jaime and I walked back in silence, I didn't want to say anything but I calmly reached for his hand and held it. He didn't even look at me or at our hands, he just tightened his grip. I smiled to myself and thought that even though everything seemed as if it was going bad, it was actually going pretty well for everything that had happened but, I shouldn't have thought that because I was just setting myself up for more destruction.

As we were walking back, people just kept talking. The girls kept on being rude and it just seemed like they were jealous. That didn't make me happy that made me mad because if Jaime and I ever became a thing then I would be getting a lot of it from these girls that I thought were basically my fandom family. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the hate being fragile and all. Even if it was only a small fraction that would feel that way, I just feel as if it'd tear me down.

Maybe being with Jaime wasn't all it was made out to be, in fact, maybe being with someone famous. I knew I wouldn't be able to travel with them since I'm still in school and my life is here, not on the road with four guys that are truly amazing but, what about me? What about my girl needs? I would just drag them down. I could do long distance relationships but that wouldn't work either, no matter how loyal someone can be. On the road, performing, and meet and greets can lead to so much temptation. And so can being a women in a college where a majority of the guys would do anything to get with you, well, not me but you never know.

I just guess I'm not ready for any type of relationship with anyone; not Justin nor Jaime. After all I have been through in the past 2 months maybe it was just time to focus on school and only school. Maybe I'm over thinking things but, It's just something that I don't want to go through and have anyone else go through. 

Jaime tapped my shoulder. "Hey girlie, you haven't said anything since we came back."

I looked at him. "I hate myself for doing this but, I don't think I want anything to do with any of you guys. I love this band I seriously do but, if anything were to ever happen between you and me it could forever change my life. I just don't know Jaime."

He sat down on the table and chuckled. "You know, I thought it would be some girls dream to be with me and I'd be happy. But I never actually thought this out. I like you JoAnn, I truly do and I'm sorry that you went through all of this and I would love if you gave me a chance. I'm willing to do anything but, if that's how you feel then okay."

I nodded. "Well, I truly don't know what to feel and exactly how I'm feeling at that moment."

Vic got up and came near us. "Okay, I know we haven't said much but, we've been discussing this whole thing. I know we probably don't have the right to form some kind of opinion but, I just want you to hear what we think."

He motioned for Tina and Justin to come over. "I think that you both are right but this is where you are wrong guys. I know I shouldn't be telling you what to do but, knowing about the situation that went on between your so called 'boyfriend' and 'best friend', I think you should break up with this douche bag, hang up your traitor bestie and give Jaime a try or just find new friends. No one is a friend if they are constantly hurting you and using some excuse or apology. We only have a few more states to go to and after that we were going to stay in Florida for a vacation and just brain storm. So, just think about that okay? I want my boy to be happy."

That's when Mike got up and came near us. "I agree with Vic, you know I could careless but since its you getting hurt and you seem like such a sweet girl, I just don't condone it but, yet it again, not in my jurisdiction." he then lit up a cigarette and walked away.

Everyone turned to look at Tony who proceeded to play with his hands. "I just think that you should do whatever feels right because I know how you're feeling. I've been through something sort of similar and I should have some words of wisdom but I think Vic said everything I would have. Honey, just follow your gut not your heart."

I looked at them both and nodded. "Tina and Justin, it's time for you to speak."

Tina looked all around her and sighed. "I'm a jerk and I'll admit that. The first time I met you Jo, you looked like you were 12 and people would make fun of you for that and I joined in. The only reason I became friends with you was because my now ex dared me too. I went through with it and that's why your life was hell at that time but, after getting to know you, I stopped and told him no and that's why he broke up with me." She laughed, "who would have thought that childish games would have brought me closer to you and I'm sorry that, I'm probably the main reason that you are the way you are. I'm sorry for what I did with Justin and how I held it from you. I just hope that you can forgive me and that we can still be friends. I need to learn how to be a better person and you are exactly the person who can help me."

I was angry when I heard the actual story of how we became friends, I reached over and slapped her. "Gosh, that felt good."

She looked at me while rubbing her cheek. "Okay... that was a little much but yes, I deserved that."

Justin looked very shocked in confused. "Woah there, please don't hurt me Jen. All those times I said 'I love you' were very true but, how can someone love someone who has put them through so much and hurts them? I'm completely sure that even though you forgive me the chances of staying with me are probably in the negatives. Like Tina said, I hope we can at least stay friends and I hope you give Jaime a chance because he more of man than I am."

Mike came back and told everyone to leave and give us some space. At the moment tents were being pulled down, people were leaving, and this place was turning back to its normal self, It was just me and Jaime left.

He looked at me and picked my chin up. "So, what do you say? After hearing everything, are willing to give me a try?"

I was still a little unsure but, you'll never know the outcome until you do something. I sighed and looked into his beautiful eyes and just knew I could say no to his looks and his great personality and just go back to my mundane life but, he seemed prepared for everything and I just trusted him. "Yes." I smiled. "After everything they've said and just thinking it through, I realize that I have faith in you and that you won't let me down and I won't let you down."

He cupped my cheeks, leaned in and kissed me softly. "I'm so glad to hear that, Joann." We both smiled and kissed each other again but, was interrupted when the boys came out of no where and jumped on top of us. They were all cheering and slapping me and Jaime on our backs. 

I pushed myself through them and let Jaime get the hits. Tina and Justin were smiling and I walked over and hugged them both.

Tina looked at me. "What about Justin, Jo?"

I smiled. "I guess technically, me and Justin just will never be together."

He laughed. "well, we kind of were but you already found your match."

Tina stopped laughing and looked at us both. "That's not funny, I did say I was sorry."

He playfully punched her but, kept on laughing. "Loosen up, the days are just getting better for everyone and all these pointless sorrys have no place in our lives."

I smiled because it's true, the days seemed liked they would get better but, who knew. I had my friends back and made some new ones along the way, and I also had Jaime; only time will tell what will happen next.


Ya'll thought I was finished?

Well, nope a few chapters left my fellow Pierce The Veil lovers and fans. xxx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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