Iron Adventures: Christmas Crisis 1

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In a dark cave, a green figure tapped at a table. "Christmas, the time to be happy and be with your family, how I despise Christmas, humbug!" The man suddenly grinned as he came up with a plan. "The super iron avengers seem to have close ties to Father Christmas, which I can use to my advantage." He tapped a button on his desk, a small bug came to him. "Go and deposit your mind control chip into super iron America, then I will be able to control him, and finally end Christmas once and for all! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

    Tis the season to be jolly as the naboo palace was being decorated for the holidays. The residents living there were hard at work, making sure that this was the best job they did. "Hey Jeremy, how're the lights coming along?" "Just need to hook them up and the naboo palace will become the largest Christmas tree ever." Jeremy plugged in a cord into an outlet, and the whole palace, interior and exterior, lit up so bright, sunglasses would've been needed. "Ok, that takes care of the lights, now we can get out the ornaments, load them up into the ornament launchers, and we all can get in some target practice." "That never gets old, it's the best way to decorate this years christmas tree." They came up to a room which contained the ornaments and the launchers. Unbeknownst to them, and the naboo palace security system, the bug had infiltrated the palace, searching for Jeremy. Within minutes, it found him loading one of the launchers with ornaments. In one quick pass, the bug flew over his head and dropped the control chip onto the top of it. The chip secured itself to prevent any sort of falling off. The man grinned wildly. "Yes, in a few hours, that brat will be mine to command! Ha ha ha, at long last, ha ha ha ha!"

    A few hours later, the whole team had gathered in the main living room to begin decorating the tree. "Alright everyone, lets decorate this thing!" They began firing at the tree, each ornament landing its targeted branch, but that's when the chip kicked in, it gave off a small electric shock that was enough to make Jeremy fall to his knees. "Augh!" It caught the attention of everyone else. "Jeremy, what's wrong?" Jeremy said nothing, he got to his feet, revealing his eyes to have turned completely green. "Jeremy?" Saying nothing, he suddenly turned and fired a couple fireballs at Casey, who had just barely dodged them. "Whoa! Jeremy, what's gotten into you?!" Again, no response, Jeremy just began running towards Casey, intent on attacking her. Again, she barely dodged out of the way, this time, she dodged towards the rest of the team. "Jeremy, have you lost your mind?!" Jeremy just raised his hands and force pushed the entire team out the door, and into the hanger. "What's going on here?!" Jeremy entered the hanger, clearly aiming to attack his friends. Casey aimed at his feet and shot ice at them, clamping him down to one spot. Craig ran over to the console and started tapping buttons. "Jarvis, surround Jeremy with a force field that he can't get out of, QUICK!" Unfortunately, in the time it took to set it up, Jeremy had already melted the ice with his fire, transformed into a jet, and rocketed out of the hanger. While the team watched. "Man, that was more brutal then his animal form."

Jeremy is under mind control once again, and who is this mysterious figure who wants to blow Christmas off the map? Find out, as Christmas enters the danger zone.

To be continued.

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