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Matty and I decided to stay the night at his place. He gave me a pair of his sweat pants and his shirt to wear and we cuddled up together in bed. I had my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He had his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight.

We laid in peaceful silence for a while. That was how I liked to be with him, close and comfortable. I felt safe with him, like nothing could touch us. But I knew that was too good to be true. I knew that no matter what we weren't invincible. I knew Matty was good at what he did, I mean he had never been caught before, but there was still a small pang in the back of my mind reminding me that what he was doing was dangerous. He played a dangerous game and I didn't want to lose him.

"What's wrong, Rose?" Matty pulled me from my thoughts.

"Hmm? Nothing's wrong." I said, trying to sound convincing.

"No, I know something's wrong, when you get worried you get this look on your face like this." He mimicked my face. "And you were just making that face, what's wrong love?"

"It's just that, well, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I know you're good at what you do and nothing will happen, but I'm still just a little bit scared." I buried my head into his chest more.

"It's okay Rose. I told you before I'm not going anywhere. Nothing's going to happen, it's okay to be a bit scared, I am too, but I promise nothing bad will happen." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him, squeezing me. I felt a little bit better, but I would always worry. I couldn't help it.

"Matty?" I asked.

"Yes love?"

"Do you know when you're going to do it?"

"Not for a month or two, so I'll have plenty more time with you." He kissed my head again. "By the way, the day I do it, I want you to go to George's house and stay with him, Hann, and Ross okay? I just want to make sure you're somewhere safe." I nodded my head. I had met Ross and Adam not too long ago. They were both very nice, just like Matty had told me. We all went out to lunch together and they teased Matty the whole time about how "lovey-dovey" he apparently acted around me.

I reached up and kissed him on the lips.

"Alright love, why don't we go to sleep?" he wrapped his blanket around us more and we snuggled up to each other. I felt completely engulfed in his scent. It was often all I could smell at my apartment because I'm always so close to Matty, but here in his bed its much stronger and all consuming. I drift to sleep surrounded by the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, and Matty's cologne. It was odd how comforting I found the smell, but I liked to believe it helped me fall asleep better.

The next day we decided to sleep in late and stay in bed. It was a good decision. After eating breakfast and watching a movie in bed, we headed over to my apartment. When we pulled up, I noticed there were three cars parked that weren't usually there. A black Mercedes, a police cruiser , and a little orange Kia. The orange car was obviously Sheryl, the black car was my brother, and unfortunately the police car was most likely Jake. Sheryl was the only one I wanted to see. The thought of Jake and Theo being in my house right now made me feel sick. I took out my phone and called Sheryl.


"Sheryl, pretend you're not talking to me and make up an excuse to come out of my apartment." I said in a low voice, loud enough so she could hear me but low enough for the other two to not.

"Okay Shawn, just stay in the bathroom in case you throw up again I'll be right home! Love you, bye!" And she hung up. In a matter of what felt like seconds she came running through the door. She came up to the window.

"Meet me at the coffee shop down the street." she said turning around and she hopped into her car.

"Okay lets go." Matty pulled away and I directed him to the coffee shop with Sheryl close behind us.

We all sat down at a table in the back, me and Matty on one side and Sheryl across from us. "First of all I wanna say, you two look so cute all matchy matchy." Sheryl beamed. I felt my face grow a bit warm. I looked at our clothes. I was wearing one of Matty's black sweaters and he was wearing one roughly similar to it. "But anyways, you might not want to go to your apartment for a little while." She said.

"What are they even doing there?" I asked

"Jake said he needed to talk to you and he told Theo to come. I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out but they were already there when I got there. They kept trying to make me leave, but I was staying until I was sure you would be alright."

"Thank you" I said. Sheryl was the only real friend I've ever had. She was one of the best things in my life. "Did anything else happen while you were there?"

"Not much, Jake kept getting angry and Theo kept getting annoyed by it. Jake kept yelling about how you were probably with 'that stupid, lying, drug dealing boyfriend.' He is ridiculous." She rolled her eyes at the thought. "I always knew he was an ass. I should have helped you get away from him a long time ago, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just wish he would leave me alone now." I leaned into Matty a bit and he hooked his arm around my waist.

"You should-" Sheryl was cut off mid-sentence by her phone ringing. "Hello? Oh yeah! Hold on, I'll be right there, okay?" she hung up an sprang out of her seat.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Oh! Shawn really is throwing up, he called me earlier but I couldn't leave your apartment so I told him I'd come later. And later is now."

"You left your sick husband on the bathroom floor?!"

"Yep! See you later guys!" she ran put the door and hopped into her car. Matty pulled me closer so my head was on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine.

"So what do you want to do?" he mumbled.

"Can we just go back to your place? I don't want to deal with either of them right now." I sighed.

"Of course, love" he soothed.

A/N: Another filler chapter, sorry but like I said my Final Exams are just starting so as soon as I'm finished with those I'll be able to focus more on this story okay! As always, thank you for reading, commenting, and voting. It means so much to me! thank you all so much!!!


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