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I hung up so quick
Oh my god,
She didn't know that she was engaged to Zac,
I could've stopped it,
Could have noticed that they were both drunk,
I swear to god if Zac yells at her again for his mistake I'm going to kill him,
I hate seeing her sad,
She's literally the best person I know,
And for her being engaged the first time it shouldn't be to Zac,
Or any other guy,
Not ever,
It should be me,
it has to be me because if she's not the one for me then that means I'm going to die alone,
When she smiles it makes me smile,
When she crosses her eyes it's the cutest things, even her threats to kill me when I make fun of her height are adorable,
And her height is literally like having a pocket girlfriend,
That is if she was my girlfriend,
Because the fact of the matter is that...
She's not my girlfriend,
In fact she's Zac's fiancé,
But I want her as my girlfriend,
I want her as my wife,
I want her to live in a big house with me,
I want her to be mine,
And I'm gonna do it,
I'm going to get her today even if I have to tell Zac to suck a toe,
I'm going now,
I grab my car keys 🔑 and run out the door with an umbrella (it's raining really hard rn)

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