Chapter One: Cheers My Friends

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Steel grey eyes surveyed the room, silently drinking in the playful banter that revolved around the ever so innocent guest.

Her target stood tall and reeked off cockiness and overconfidence. As if he was a god and we were nothing but worshiping peasants.

"Perfect" she whispered with slanted snake-like eyes and a smirk etched on to her tan face, then took a sip of her wine.

Her earpiece soon talked, a rich British accent flowed through her ear "Nathaniel Brow, brown hair blue eyes, the common look for rich scum bags."

Smiling slightly amused, the raven-haired beauty looked down at her drink "a little jealous are we, Arthur?"

A scoff was heard "oh yes I'm jealous of an asshole that steals money from charities"

Fighting down a chortle she opted for a Cheshire like grin.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" the young waitress asked with a look of confusion on her face as if she heard the tan woman speak to herself.

Plastering a fake smile that fooled all, she replied in a sweet soft sugary voice, "oh! Darling, I'm fine, just had too many glasses of wine is all"

"He's fucking leaving! You best fucking get up and do what you do best!" He hollered grabbing his headset.

Setting down her now empty glass on the table, she excused herself following the supposed god-like man into the elevator, "oh please hold the elevator!"

She quickly walked over grabbing the end of her dress with a bashful smile "I'm so sorry."

Nathaniel smirked at her, his eyes raking over her hourglass figure "It's alright baby."

Rolling her eyes internally, she forced a blush to appear on her ever so flawless face "a-ah...well.."

Taking her delicate hand in his rougher one, he kissed it lightly.  "Nathaniel Brow, but you gorgeous can call me Nathan"

Tilting her head to the side in faux embarrassment, she racked her brain for a fake name "Lila Louis.." 

He grinned showing his pearly white teeth "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Lila laughed softly "well thank you, Nathan,..."

He pulled her close pressing their bodies together slightly "hmmm how about we get out of here gorgeous"

She grinned, an evil glint hidden in her eyes "I'd love that."

Stumbling into his lavish suite, breathless kisses were exchanged "my god you're so fucking beautiful."

She smiled widely, breathing heavily "I know I am darling."

A laugh escaped his slightly swollen lips "confident, I love it."

Humming she pulled up her dress, sitting on his lap "this is your last day on earth, Nathaniel."

His eyes widen in confusion and slightly fright "what?"

The cold barrel of the gun pressed harshly against his temple "Dear disgusting Nathaniel, stealing from charities like it means nothing to you."

He shook under her touch "I-i don't know what you're talking about."

She laughed as if she heard the funniest joke "oh darling don't play dumb I have recordings and pictures of you stealing their money."

A droplet of sweat ran down his neck "I-I needed the money!"

"Oh yes, you needed the money to pay for your whores and drugs.." she pouted playfully and pushed his body back so he laid flat on the bed.

"I can give you anything you want! Money!? Jewelry!? Men!?" He croaked out, trying to bribe the assassin.

She laughed once more, an empty smile sat on her face "oh love, I don't want anything at all."

He stared at the barrel of the gun as sweat dripped down his temple "y-you don't have to do this!"

Storm colored eyes turned lifeless. She tilted her head to the side with a smirk crawling on to her face and aimed the pistol at his skull

"you're right I don't have to do this...I want to."


Thank you for reading! More chapters to come ❤️❤️ don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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