Chapter Four: Europe?

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Soft clacks of stiletto heels bounced off the brightly lit hallway, the silent howl of the wind was kept outside with giant walls of glass.

The mumbling chatter seemed to disappear at the sound of her footsteps.

The scared glance of her fellow employees flew her direction.

All intimidated by the gunmetal eyed beauty.

Eyes followed her graceful movements, both women and men entranced with her flawless complexion.

Glancing around the room, she sent them all a terrifying glare that quickly made them look away and busy themselves.

A cheerful voice filled with laughter reached her ears, "they're still scared of you Gina."

"I would hope so Arthur" she replied with a slight smile tugging at her perfectly painted lips.

Chuckling the brown-eyed man embraced the smaller woman. "Lordy, I missed you, Gina!" He gushed, Arthur was quite the strange man.

He stood almost 6 feet tall, always dressed in sleek suits with his gorgeous dark brown hair slicked back.

His strong jaw looked like it was chiseled by the gods and his dark eyes that seemed to glow every time he smiled.

Thoughts as "this man isn't real" or "is this a dream" were held at bay by the small crook on his nose.

Making you realize he's broken his nose a couple of times.

He seemed like a serious man, having the dysfunction of resting bitch face.

But as soon as he shakes your hand, a lovely bright smile appears on his chocolate face and his cheerful attitude takes charge.

"Arthur we just talked last night" she replied with a small smile.

"uh, I said I haven't seen you! Not talking to you!" The bubbly man scoffed playfully, "now how you been Gina?"

She sent him a crooked smile, her stormy eyes glittering with many emotions "I'm better than ever babe, better than ever."

Raising a brow he stared at her unsure, "mhm..sure..anyways! The boss is calling for you"

She sighed rubbing her temples with a firm tug, "I just finished this mission, can't I just rest?"

Snorting, he placed his arm around her shoulders guiding her to the office with a devious man waiting for her arrival, "Gina you know him, he loves you and your skills."

Scrunching her small nose, she said in distaste, "I feel as if you're making a sexual innuendo."

Wiggling his eyebrows, he poked out his tongue, "I always do babe, I always do."

Opening the black mahogany doors, their eyes were presented to a dimly lit room.

Two single lamps, placed on either side of his desk illuminated the room with their warm yellow light.

And there he sat, front and center.

Smoking a cigar with his eyes fixated on the paintings like an old mobster would, just waiting for his next prey to fall into his trap.

"I'm glad you finally came." He said in a rough and scratchy voice, she winced.

The sound of his voice was like a fork scraping harshly on a glass plate.

She fixed her blazer and uttered ever so quietly "I'm sorry sir, I was held up in a meeting with Eliza."

He scoffed and sent her soft smile "No need for excuses Regina, I understand..please do sit."

She let out a small sigh, sitting in the soft satin chair, while a relieved smile appeared on her face, "sure thing."

He waved his hand and coughed into his red handkerchief, his cigar long forgotten in the glass bowl filled with a lake of ash.

"I hope you don't mind the lighting, I had quite the migraine and just decided to shut off those dreadfully bright lights" he croaked out.

A light chuckle escaped her glossed lips, "I don't mind at all, in fact, I wish my cubicle would have this kind of lighting."

Clearing his throat, he clasped his wrinkled hands, "Regina, I called you up here to talk about an assignment."

She quickly sat up straight, leaning a tad bit forward.

Coughing once more, he continued "We'll be joining forces with another due to our lack of good agents,'ll be going to Europe to take down Karven Julius." Pushing a file towards her, he opened it.

The file held a stack of papers but no picture. " am I supposed to know how he looks like" she questioned, looking through the file.

He let out a choked out laugh, "that's where the other agent comes in, they, unfortunately, have information we need and this was our only agreement."

Sighing, she closed the thick folder "there's absolutely no other way this can go?"

He looked bemused "A man could only wish Regina, truly I didn't want to work with those scum bags but we have a bigger issue at hand then our feud.

He leaned forward with his dark eyes narrowed and continued, "I'm trusting you Regina to not mess this up...please be careful."

She looked up, her silver eyes blazing with confidence, "I won't let you down sir."

Chuckling softly, he smiled "I know you want everything is encased in that file, your ticket, the extra information and so forth."

"Sir if you don't mind me asking who will I be assigned to work with?" She uttered.

"Ah his name is Micheal Etrovone, you'll meet him soon" he coughed once more in his ruby red handkerchief and sent her on her way.

Europe beware.


Thank you so much for reading lovelies! More chapters to come! Don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️❤️

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