First day of class

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Author's note:

So.. funny story...

When I wrote the first 3 chapters, I went on a website to check when is the closest night with a full moon to this point of the story and it said Tuesday.

Thing is...

I researched it again and.. Sunday. It's on Sunday and I am a fool for trusting one website.

So since I already wrote it for Tuesday this month (September 1971) will have a full moon on Tuesday and I'll get better at researching.

Sorry about that ^_^


"I hate Mondays" Sirius sighed as he threw the blanket away from himself.

"Well look who decided to finally wake up" James half smiled at him, rubbing his eyes.

"Well it's not really my fault, is it?" Sirius shot an accusing look at James.

"Hey, I didn't make you stay up late talking to me" James shrugged and smirked at the still sleepy kid in front of him.

"whatever" Sirius yawned and fell back into pillow, turning to cover his face with it.

"We'll be late for breakfast if you won't get up" James threw a pillow at Sirius who groaned in return.

"We can't miss our first class" Remus pointed out as he walked into the room with Peter, both fully dressed.

"Fine" Sirius crawled off his bed, making it as dramatic as he could, and grabbed James, pulling him toward the floor as well.


"I can't believe it took you twenty minutes to get ready" James Shook his head, eating his eggs.

"What can I say? Beauty takes time" Sirius Passed his hand through his hair.

"You're eleven"

"You're jealous"

"And you two are arguing like a married couple" Remus massaged his temples.

"Are you okay?" James moved closer to Remus in concern. "You look a little pale."

"I'm fine" he shooed away Sirius's hand from his forehead.

"We can go to the nurse if you'd like" Peter offered, putting his fork down.

"I promise you, there's nothing to worry about" Remus picked up his head and smiled at them. "What's our first class?" he tried to change the subject.

"Charms I think" James slowly said, still with a worried look on his face"

"Look I swear, I'm fine. Just tired that's all." Remus tried to relax the unconvinced faces around him.

"If you say so.." Sirius picked up his toast and started eating.

The conversation picked up and away from Remus as he picked at his food, not feeling hungry.
'Being a werewolf sucks' he thought and quietly sighed to himself.


"You barely ate" James stated as the four walked to their first class.

"I'm not hungry" Remus shrugged.

"Is this about your mother? You said you'll be going to visit her tomorrow, right?" Peter asked from Remus's side.

"Yes, I guess I'm just a little nervous" Remus replied, struggling to remember his excuse.

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