Someones P.O.V"Momm!!! Please hang in there~!" Don't you give up i beg you!" I begged my mom to never let her hand go while she has having trouble breathing. I panicked out untouchable. This can't real fair. I can't my mom die and suffer on for me furtherly. This isn't what i wanted to be. I still have tons of experiences that i need to show to her and to dad. Please someone help us.
My mom heaved a heavy sigh saying words utterly. "Kazumi please... I understand what you are feeling right now. I could have stayed stronger if i were able to stand on but i merely can't i have no choice."
I looked at my mom still gripping in my hands i can feel myself crying for some reasons. I can't handle the feeling that i get to lost something important to me. The treasure of my life, and the most valuable person who had cared for me the all of the entire year.
"Mom i can't do this without you! I needed you!" i cried out to her shivering.
"Darling...Can i promise you something? r..really important that you ...may trust the time you grew up?" This was the least i can deal with over a conversation with my own mother. I asked her with my concern.
"Anything you'd wanted. I can do it all for you just please stay strong and don't leave us alone..." i cried out.
I can feel my mom clenched my hands well tight. I can feel her shivering through out death. Which this may be the last conversation and now gone. Hoping that it won't happened ever!.
"Find a place where you could revenge your dad and when you're all grown up into a fine girl that you always had to be...I was counting on you from the very begining whrn your dad and i fought for a fight and he tried to poison me. Everything he had done to me.. Please let him understand how we all feel for him." she said sadly with pure words trembling in her.
I gasped for a few seconds... i was half of raging inside me. I wouldn't know that dad would give mom a poison which i may cause death. This is unacceptable, why on ever fuvk would he do that to my mom?! He's totaly insane. But for some reason i have managed to calm down and i nod inagreement for what my mom said.
And that was the time i have decided to avenge my mom and i have a secret agent to kill time. And i will stand against my own will.
"Yes...mother....i promise..." i said with pure sloth.
.."Thank you my precious...Leiko.." she said sofly and lets my hand go....fainted..
I had no other choice but to cry beside her calling for help. And decide for everything in her memorial. Rest In Peace Mother Ayumi
( So that's all guyses i hope you enjoyed my first prolouge and im so sorry if i ever had wrong grammar. This is just for fun only normally. I just created this book just for nothing. Also i may have release some few books soon enough cuz this was just like the 3rd account i've used in wattpad so im not sure. So okie~♡ see ya in the next Chapter )

☡Love Warnings☡(Fanfictioned Story)
FanfictionThe stroy is about a girl named Leiko who has a bright future and a great experience of being a singer, yet she has the mission to take revenge from her mother to go kill time to her dad that they have abandoned them, however Leiko and her friends h...