Chapter 20

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  ''Yes, sir.  I would thank Agent Keslo over there for finding her.  She had a suspect in mind and went to go see if it was true.  She only didn't tell anyone else because she wasn't sure if she was correct about this terrorist.''

        ''Thank you Agent Barton,'' Fury says before Clint can keep talking.  ''Take her to the holding cell for now until we know what to do with her,'' Clint nods and grabs Viper's arm and starts walking her out.  Cheyenne turns to follow.  ''Not you Agent Keslo,'' she stops and looks at him.  ''I have some questions for you, sit down, it may be a while,'' the two sit down.  ''Mind tell me how you knew it was her?''

        She takes the goggles and cloth off and sets them on the table.  ''I didn't exactly know it was her.  I just wanted her dead.  I'm not sure if you're aware, but half the people on this ship is part of Hydra, and I know that because I recruited someone of them to help bring Hydra back.  I only helped Viper because she said that she'd help me and my brother, and me being young and stupid I agreed.  As you guessed, she lied, wish I would have figured that out before I agreed.

        ''Over the past years they've been after me trying to kill me, they thought I was going to spread some of their secretes, when I could really careless about what they're doing.  I had no intentions of being part of S.H.I.E.L.D. for Hydra reasons, but I understand if you want me out, and you can trust me enough to leave and not say a word to anyone,'' she leans back in the chair.  ''I only thought it was her because she was going to make her move and kill me in the process.''

        ''You did a stupid yet smart thing to do, Agent Keslo.  You told no one what the hell you were up to, did it for your own selfish reason, killed a few guys along the way, but you also got our terrorist by only killing three people, not getting yourself harmed besides that bloody nose, but you know everyone will hear about you working with Hydra, and will have to regain everyone's trust again.''

        ''You mean to say I had everyone's trust?''

        ''We don't exactly show off friendly emotions around here if you haven't noticed, which what makes you fit in with us.  I'm not kicking you out of S.H.I.E.L.D. or off the team, but if you wish to leave you can.  You're a good fighter and have a bit of an attitude, but as I said, you fit right in.''

        Cheyenne looks at her hands on her lap thinking.  She then looks up at Fury.  ''I think I'll stay.  Better than having only myself around.  Don't expect me to follow the rules exactly though.''

        ''Don't worry, no one follows the rules around here.  Hell I don't even know if we have any.  If you kill just make sure you don't get caught, besides, we'll need help getting rid of everyone from Hydra.  You can go now.''

        Cheyenne gets up, grabs her stuff and walks out.  Clint is just walking down the hall.  ''Clint,'' she said in a soft tone.  ''May I explain what happened back there, it was-.''

        Once again she gets cut off but Clint kissing her, but this time he has his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him, practically making their bodies touch.  Just as she starts to embrace him he pulls away, but only enough so that their lips aren't touching, but only their foreheads.  ''No need to explain Cheyenne.  I believe you.  You've been truthful with me from the start.  I never asked, so you never told, its not exactly something you just bring up,'' he kisses her again.

        ''Aw, aren't you two sweet,'' they hear a voice at the end of the hall, they both break away with their faces all red and try not looking at each other.  They look down the hall to see Tony.  He starts walking towards them.  ''Did I ruin the moment?  Thought you two should be told to go get a room.''

        ''You ruin everyone's moment, Tony.  Even your own,'' Clint says laughing slightly trying to make it less awkward.

        ''Well, its nearly morning, you two should get some sleep,'' Tony walks past them and turns the corner so they can't see him anymore.

        ''We should get to bed though, its been a long night,'' Clint says as he puts an arm around Cheyenne's waist.  The two walk to the hall to where everyone's rooms are.

        The two stop in front of the door to her room.  The two are laughing and giggling.  Cheyenne kisses Clint on the lips.  ''Night, Clint.  Sleep well okay.''

        He kisses her back.  ''As long as you do.  Good night, Cheyenne,'' Clint walks away and Cheyenne opens the door to her room and lays down in bed.  Everything catches up to her once her body touches her bed.  She kicks off her shoes and lays there for a few seconds before falling asleep.

        Its been four months since Cheyenne and Clint captured Viper.  Not much else has been going on, only small things that one or two people could take care of.

        One morning Cheyenne wakes up.  She's about to sit up when she see's an arrow inches away from her face.  ''What the hell?''  she yanks the arrow out of the wall.  There's a note attached to it.  Come into the Common Room as soon as you can.

        She gets out of bed and throws a red t-shirt on with a pair of black jeans.  She walks though the halls 'til she gets to the Common Room.  She walks in and everyone but Clint is in there.

        Bruce is reading a book, Natasha and Steve are talking about something that's going on on the TV, while Tony is just watching the TV.  He see's her walk in a smirks.

        ''Look at who's finally up,'' Tony says.

        ''Where's Clint?  He left me this note in my room.  He told me to be in here as soon as I could, and he's not even here.''

        ''Oh he has a big surprise for you,'' Tony says laughing a bit.

        ''Shut up, Tony,'' Natasha says hitting him.

        Cheyenne gives them all a confused look.  ''What's going on?'' she feels arms wrap around her waist.  She slightly jumps but then realizes who it could be and turns her head to see Clint.  ''There you are.  Now why did you want me to come in here?''

        Everyone in the room looks over at the two, all knowing what's going to happen.

        ''Because I have something to ask you, Cheyenne,'' he gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box.  ''Will you marry me, Cheyenne?''

        Her eyes widen and her hands cover her mouth as she stands there astonished.  She snaps out of her trance somehow.  ''Oh my god yes!'' she kneels down and hugs him tightly.

        The other four in the room clap for the two jut as Nick Fury walks into the room.  He sees the two hugging and the four clapping.  ''Did I miss something?''

        ''Clint just took an arrow to the knee,'' Steve says to Fury.

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