White lies

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Chapter 2.

"What did he say to you?" Nick asked once we were back home.

"Nothing important," I lied.

I should've known from the first lie that I was addicted. I hadn't even touched him and I was lying to Nick's face because I couldn't for life of me explain what happened.

Vain had violated the sacred grounds of my marriage. He overstepped more than once that night and I didn't scold him for his wrongdoing. I encouraged it.

Maybe in Vain's world what happened was nothing, but it was something to me and I didn't want to share it.

Not even with Nick.

I was sitting at my vanity pulling my wavy brown hair up in a bun while Nick undressed. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I began to perk up remembering how Vain's blue/green eyes slid over my profile.

I felt guilty even thinking what I was but his admiration made me feel good.

When Nick and I first started dating he used to tell me all the time how beautiful he thought I was.

I missed that more than I could admit to myself.

I smeared away the smoky eyeshadow from my hazel brown eyes along with the eyeliner and mascara. I wasn't as thin as I would like to be. As a matter of fact, I was more curvy than thin despite going to the gym at least five times a week. I had thick wavy brown hair and breasts that weren't nonexistent but they did need the assistance of a good push-up bra to catch a wandering eye. I admired my lips and eyes. But the things I would've done to be just a couple inches taller was laughable.

"He wants you," Nick said jolting me from my criticism.

"Nick, I talked to the guy for a minute. It was harmless." I remarked playing off his suspicion as paranoia, tossing my makeup wipe in the wastebasket.

Nick tugged his shirt off his shoulders. "I could see it in his eyes, Carmella. He wants to fuck you, badly."

I turned away from him fighting a smile as I undid my shoes. Slinging my red bottom heels aside, I lifted myself off the seat, curled my arms around his waist in an attempt to comfort him. "Nick, it doesn't matter what he wants."

It wouldn't have mattered if I wasn't irrepressibly attracted to him.

I didn't want to sleep with him. But I was curious. And curiosity led to action. I hoped for the sake of my marriage and my sanity that it wouldn't. Men like Vain were too caught up with other single women to even bother with a married one.

"I love you," I assured him.

He turned toward me burying his face in the crook of my neck, lightly sweeping his lips over the column.

"I love you too," Nick said.

Nick wasn't bad looking either. In fact, back when we met in college he captured the attention of many cheerleaders during his brief time as a football star. Nick had tousled chestnut brown hair and brown eyes with a creamy complexion. He easily maintained his lean frame even though he ate everything in sight.

I'd always been envious of that.

"A woman approached me and she said that her husband wants to watch her with another woman. She asked if I wanted to be that other woman."

Nick smiled. "You got a lot of action tonight." He chuckled scooping me up. I curled my legs around his hips. "What did you say to her?"

"I told her that sleeping with a woman is out of my comfort zone but that I was flattered. Her husband told me to let him know if I ever changed my mind because they were very interested in me. They even invited me to a party."

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