Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

"You're pregnant."

The word made my heart stop and I gasped desperately for air. My hand immediately flew to my stomach, though of course I felt nothing. It was too early, too early to feel a bump.

To early to have any clue of what he said was true.

"No." I vehemently shook my head, my immediate reaction being to deny it. "The doctor must be wrong. He needs to take the test again."

"He has. I insisted he take it three times, Savannah. It's true. I'm sorry." He looked regretful, and he crossed the room to give my shoulder a squeeze. His eyes were sad and the darkened circles under his eyes were enough to clue me in on the fact he wasn't getting much sleep. "I'll be here for you. Cynthia and I both."

"No, I can't be." I was still shaking my head viciously, tears beginning to well in my eyes. I couldn't be having his baby. I was supposed to be free of him and starting my own life. I couldn't be tied to him anymore.

I think I started hyperventilating at one point. "I can't keep it."

"Savannah." Greg hedged, sounding shocked by what I had just spat out. "You need time to decide that."

"I can't have his baby. I can't. I'm supposed to be free of him!" I still kept one hand rested on my stomach, the beginnings of nauseous rising in my gut. The other flew to my throat, clutching at it as if that would make it easier to breathe. "Not anymore. I'm done with that life."

"You are. But that doesn't mean you can't keep this baby and still be free." He tried to reason, running a hand through his already-messed-up hair. His lips were pressed together in a tight line.

"I'm not going to." I crossed my arms stubbornly, so much pain in my chest. It wasn't helping that my head was throbbing so badly that I could barely think. I hadn't planned for this. This was never supposed to be the case. "I was supposed to be free."

I couldn't stop the tears from dripping onto my cheeks. I was selfish, I knew that, but for once I had hopes that perhaps my plans would follow through. That I wouldn't be stuck with a man's child who betrayed me, who didn't love me.

"Think about it. You have time." He insisted, clasping your hands together as if he was begging me.

I turned my face away from his, leaning back into my pillows, wincing as the cuts on my back twinged at the contact. It was just a reminder of how horrifying the last month had been and it made me shut down even further.

"Leave me alone." I forcefully said, squeezing my eyes shut. I wanted to forget. Forget I was having his baby. Forget I was in so much pain. Forget that my life was changing forever.

"Savannah-" He was cautious with his words.

"Go away!"

And he did.


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