Ten Things I Know to be True

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My freshman year of high school, I had an English teacher who loved poetry. Every year we had a speaker come to our school as a form of motivation for the students, and that year it was Sarah Kay, a spoken word poet. My English teacher had us study her poetry in preparation for her visit. We even watched Sarah Kay's TED talk. In her speech, Sarah Kay tells a story about helping a little girl learn to write poetry. She told the little girl to write down ten things she knew to be true and to turn turn those things into a poem. Although I do love poetry, I won't be writing you a poem. However, I will tell you ten things I know to be true.

1) Our planet is dying.
2) No one really cares.
3) We have reached the beginning of the end.
4) Ignoring a problem does not make it obsolete.
5) Most people thought Stephen Hawking was already dead.
6) The United States is in the middle of the Insanity Epidemic.
7) The future won't have a future at all.
8) There is an asteroid on a collision course with earth that is taller than the Empire State Building, and it is set to impact our planet during the twenty-second century. We have no way of stopping it.
9) We are selfish.
10) We all deserve to die.

Before you stop reading, allow me to offer an explanation. I'll go in order.
1) Our planet is dying.
We have destroyed our home. We've polluted the water, the air, and the soil.
2) No one really cares.
Let me start my explanation by asking you, what keeps you up at night? Relationship trouble? School or work drama? Video games? Political issues? Whatever it may be, I can guarantee you are not thinking about the destruction we've let loose on our planet. In President Trump's first year of presidency, which of the following caused more chaos: the Parkland shooting or his global warming budget cuts? I'll give you the answer: the parkland shooting. The world is more concerned with the immediate issues than we are about long term issues.
3) We have reached the beginning of the end.
Stephen Hawking's death marked the end of a period of discovery. Right up until the twenty-first century, people still cared about learning from the planet. Physics and astronomy were never ending fields of study. There was always more to learn. Until there wasn't. At least that's how it seemed, because everyone became more concerned with social media and television than they were with learning.
4) Ignoring a problem does not make it obsolete.
We like to believe if we ignore something long enough it will go away. In most cases that would be fine, but there has to be a point at which we stop denying what we've done to our planet. Instead of being a real issue, global warming has become a joke. When on the first day of spring, a snowstorm plows through northeastern America, it shouldn't be a time to joke about global warming. It should be the moment people realize, "oh shit! We fucked up the planet enough that it's still winter on the first day of spring," but of course we never do.
5) Most people thought Stephen Hawking was already dead.
One of the greatest minds to have ever existed in science passed away, but his existence was so overshadowed by celebrity publicity stunts that most people assumed he was dead. What kind of world are we living in where we would know the instant a brain dead Kardashian passed away but we aren't even sure if one of the greatest minds in the world is still alive?
6) The United States is in the middle of the Insanity Epidemic.
2018 will be known for the new "shot[s] heard around the world." After seventeen students were gunned down at Parkland High School in Florida, America began its crusade for stricter gun laws. The attention brought to the Parkland shooting caused a slew of threats toward other schools to flood police stations. However, the worst part is that stricter gun laws won't stop an insane person. A serial bomber in Texas is proof that guns are not the problem. The problem is the insane person willing to go to any lengths to bring harm to others. If someone can't get a gun, they will find another way. Stricter gun laws will not stop insanity.
7) The future won't have a future at all.
The planet has entered a downward spiral, and we have robbed any future generations of a future.
8) There is an asteroid on a collision course with earth that is taller than the Empire State Building, and it is set to impact our planet during the twenty-second century. We have no way of stopping it.
9) We are selfish.
10) We all deserve to die.
I think the last three are self explanatory given all the information I provided previously. In reference to number ten, I am not promoting suicide. All I mean by that statement is that after everything we have done to our planet, we shouldn't expect to be treated any nicer in the end.

So there you have it. I'm a cynic. I think the world is full of shit. Who knows, maybe I'm just another victim of the Insane Epidemic. I'm convinced, though, that I am one of the few left in the world immune to the "charms" of insanity. That sounds narcissistic, I know. I don't mean it to sound that way, because I don't think I have any less to do with the planet's downfall than the rest of you. I just feel like I'm the only person in my life who isn't walking around in a media induced haze. I see past the bullshit, so I guess that's why I feel compelled to share my views with you all. Maybe I can wake a desire to change the world.

To all the assholes out there,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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