Chapter 6

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"Alicia..?"Maddison asked opening the door finding Alicia cuddled up with Elyza,They were both asleep.She watched "Alicia,Elyza,Breakfast"

Elyza woke up first,then shook Alicia ask Maddison watched.

"MoOom.."She squeaked looking around to explain.

"It's breakfast"Her mom said with a smile then walked away.

Elyza looked over at Alicia then kissed her.

"Can we skip breakfast an just lay here?"Alicia asked softly

"Sure,anything"Elyza replied.

"I'm sorry about last night,"Alicia started"its just,I do love Matt or I did before...before he died,but it's like as soon as I saw you,I instantly loved you,love like we ,etc before"

"So did I,it's like deja vu "Elyza said with a wondering smile.

"I had a weird dream"Alicia said rubbing her eyes.

"What about,beautiful"Elyza questioned licking Alicia's nose.

"You were in  it"Alicia noted.

"Really?"Elyza pulled Alicia closer.

"Yea,we were in the forest or something, Every one called me Heda an you Clarke,except you would call me Lexa,an that's funny because my last name is Clark"Alicia said listening to Elyza's heartbeat.

"That IS funny,my last name is Lex"Elyza informed Alicia.

Alicia looked into Elyza's beautiful green eyes"well isn't that cool"she smiled "we should get up now"Alicia finished.

"Yea"Elyza said kissing Alicia 

They both got up an got fressed.Elyza came up behind Alicia an hugged her.Alicia turned around and kissed her.

"I'm glad we're safe now"Alicia said putting her head on Elyza's shoulder.They walked up the stairs and found no one,They were outside yelling.

"THE INFECTED"they heard Nick's voice ring out through the deck.

They ran out on the deck,another boat was on the loading pad up nearing Maddison 

"Mom"Alicia yelled.

Elyza ran back down to their cabin an grabbed a shotgun an a box of shells,She ran back out finding more had come upon the boat.

Elyza started shooting the walkers.

"NICK"Elyza heard someone yell,she turned around to find a walker grabbing Nick.

"HIT THE DECK"Elyza yelled at Nick.

He dropped to the ground an she shot the walker.She began shooting as many as she could,She ran out of bullets on the last walker.

"Perfect"She said with a smile.

She turned around an saw a walker closing In on Alicia.

Nick,Travis,Daniel,Maddison,an Of Elia was on the it her side if the deck trying to help Strand prevent more from boarding.Elyza ran as fast as she could to reach Alicia.Chris came out of the hull an noticed.He grabbed a chair an hit the walker over the head,the walker fell over the side.

Elyza reached Alicia an Chris hugging, "Thank You,Chris"Alicia said kissing him on the cheek.

Elyza watched,then turned around to go help the others.

When everyone was done Elyza went to the hull with everyone.

She found Alicia an Chris sitting together drawing.

"Hey"Elyza said walking up.

"Hi"Alicia said with her beautiful gleaming.

"Wow,Alicia your really good at this"Chris said looking up from his drawing,then looking at Alicia with lustful eyes.

"Yea,she's good at everything"Elyza told him as she sat down between them.

"Do you draw?"Chris asked Elyza 

"Yes,I usually draw nature,that's pretty much all"Elyza returned.

Chris slid a paper an a box of colored pencils over to her.

"Try to keep up with us"He told he as he continued his drawing.

Elyza drew a beautifully detailed pink Peony,Alicias favorite flower, on a dark blue spacey background that she filled with multi colored floweron the bottom she wrote:

Will you go out with me?

    Yes.                No.

      🔳                🔳

She flipped it over to where Chris couldn't see it an slid it over to Alicia,she put her pencil in the box then walked away to get some water.

Alicia flipped it over,she smiled

"My favorite "she exclaimed with her pulchritudinous smile.

Chris read it aloud.Alicia,to his dismay,checked yes happily,in fact happier than he's ever seen her.

Elyza walked back in with her water,Alicia jumped up an hugged her,Elyzas sneakers squeaked as Elyza steadied her cup.Alicia handed the paper back,Elyza read it then smiled when she saw


Elyza kissed her girlfriend happily.Chris got up an stretched trying to act as if he were tired,"in going head to my stateroom in a bit tired,later Alicia "

"Later...wait are you sure,we could like watch one of the movies Strand has on the boat...he has the harry potter movies,our favorite"She tried after she noticed he seemed a bit sad

"Its okay,"He said getting up"its not like you'd notice me the whole time anyway"he murmured under his breath.

"Hey Alicia,"Travis said walking in just as Chris left"can you listen to the radio scanner in the galley an see if their sending out help"

Alicia nodded an they went to the galley to get the scanner.She an Elyza went down to their stateroom. An Alicia switched it on,she began switch through the channels,one had been an official announcement that told people that there would be no help sent out,land or sea.She got to channel 16,she heard music playing.

"If anyone out there please answer"A young mans voice rang out through the radio.

Alicia pressed the talk button..then slowly let go.

"If your shy that's okay"the man said hearing the clicks

She pressed it looking for words to say,she couldn't find none,she let go again.

"Please...please say something"The guys voice said grievously 

Alicia pressed the button,she let the words flow out slowly an cautiously 

"Im here"

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