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((A/N: I wrote this because I read some of the comments [greatly appreciated] then I read the chapter and I saw where I didn't explain everything. And I apologize.))

Aijah had a miscarriage due to stress and an unhealthy diet.

Aijah's nurse isn't a real nurse and was in the last book. [Whoever knows who she is will receive a Dedication on that chapter.]

Shiloh went on a killing rampage and killed a lot of people during his deep depression and gained some new enemies.

Aijah's cousins[Anyae & Kimberley] were babysitting Shilah and then she had an allergic reaction to something she ate and that will be thoroughly explained in the next chapter.

BlueClue#1 ((a/n: y'all remember these....or nah???))

"Sometimes your own blood are the same ones you can't even trust."
-Shiloh "Shy" Brown

"It's weird how you have so many problems with me, but I don't even know you."
-Aijah "JahJah or Aij" Sims

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