Eric Carr

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Gene's pov

"Peter! You can't quit!" Paul's voice rung through the hallway, sounding sad. Peter had found out about Paul and Ace. Now he wanted to quit. "FINE BITCH! MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE INTO DAMN CONSIDERATION THAT I LOVE ACE!" Peter yelled and then slammed the door


Later that day Ace had followed Paul into the audition room where he was kind of a jerk to Bob Kulick. I was already in there. We got to the last auditioner "what's your name and where do you come from?" I asked. "I'm Paul Carravello, i come from Brownsville, Brooklyn. I am here to play for you today. I don't want to get the part but I do." Carravello said.

The kid blew the roof off the place! Wow! He played like an expert. Better than Peter.

Ace's Point of view

I woke up the next morning with a fucking hangover. A huge fucking migraine. I don't feel like getting up. Next to me Paul is sleeping like an angel. Aww how pretty my baby is! I kiss his forehead. "I love you Paulie" I whisper into his ear. I smile at my sleeping boyfriend. He stirs in his sleep.

The morning comes and I forgot peter quit. The new kid, who decided to call himself Eric Carr, is now sitting in Peter's spot at the breakfast table. "Morning Ace" he calls to me.
"Good morning Eric" I reply.  He made Paul's favorite breakfast food. "Ace, where is Paul?" He says.
"Still asleep" I answer. I didn't want to wake him up.

Eric's point of view

A few hours after my audition, I get a call. "Yes, this is Paul" I say. "No way!!!" I scream. I got the part!!! I am now officially drummer of KISS. I tell myself to act as professional as possible. Ace and Paul let me have it. Gene was an automatic yes.

I got to the KISS mansion. It was freaking huge! I went inside and started to make breakfast by following a recipe for vanilla star pudding waffles. Weird concept for food. I mix the ingredients and cook. I cook like I hat my mom. I cook competitively. Well used to. Before my mom passed away in New York city.

I had to call my dad about this but I can't. I don't have cell reception here. I called myself Eric Carr because I think it suits me well.

Paul's point of view

I awoke to no pretty face ace. I figured he must be downstairs. I see him talking to Eric. He seems to get along well with Eric. I call them The fox aliens. Haha. They both play extraordinarily. I love Ace. Our song is Maybe I'm amazed by Paul McCartney.

Baby I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Baby I'm amazed at the the way you pulled me out of time
Hung me on a line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

I really really need ace

Baby I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man
Whos in the middle of something
That he doesn't really understand
Babe I'm a man and maybe you're the only woman
Who could ever help me
Baby wont you help to me understand

I change "woman" to "man"

Baby I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man
Whos in the middle of something
That he doesn't really understand
Babe I'm a man and maybe you're the only woman
Who could ever help me
Baby wont you help me understand

Same line

Baby I'm amazed at the way you're with me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I leave you
Baby I'm amazed at the way you help me sing my song
You right me when I'm wrong
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

He helps me sing my song of life.

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