Part 1

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Naruto was running toward the hokage monument. He was still 12 years old. When suddenly he bumped a woman.
"Itai! I'm sorry. I have to meet my team," apologized Naruto as he tried to stand up.
Naruto looked up as he saw the woman offer her hand. Naruto took her hand and smiled, "i'm sorry, nee chan."
The woman smiled softly, "it's okay."
Naruto stared at the woman. She was around Kakashi's age. She had long black hair that tied into loose ponytail. Her skin was so pale but glowing under the sun. Naruto stared at her eyes. Her eyes were special. Her right eye was black like her hair, but her left eye was purple.
"Are you okay?" asked the woman softly.
Naruto nodded and grinned, "yess, nee-chan. I'm sorry i bumped you."
The woman smiled and shook her head, "it's okay. It's my fault too for not seeing you running. I'm Naori. And you?" asked the woman softly.
"Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto. And i will become Hokage!" Naruto said proudly.
Naori smiled and nodded, "i'm sure you will be a great Hokage. You said you have to meet your team."
"Aggh!! Yes.. I forgot! I shouldn't be late!" Naruto ran immediately, "bye nee chan!"
Naori giggled and wave her hand.

Naruto arrived at team 7 meeting place. He was waiting for Kakashi for their mission.
"Sakura chan.. Sakura chan.. I met a beautiful nee chan today," Naruto said as he grinned happily.
"Hmm..who?" asked Kakashi all of sudden.
"Sensei!" Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke said in unison.
"Oi.. Sorry to make you wait," Kakashi said as he smiled behind his mask. Causing his eyes curving upward.
"You are always late, Kakashi," said Sasuke.
"Sorry.. Sorry... I was waiting for a cat to cross in front of me," Kakashi said.
"Lie!!!" they replied in unison.
"So, are you ready for our mission?" asked Kakashi.
"Yes!" they said in unison.

They were walking slowly after finishing their mission. Kakashi as usual was reading his book as the team 7 walked in front of him.
"Sensei.. Will you take us to yakiniku?" asked Naruto.
"Ahh.. Sorry.. I forgot that i have to do something. Bye.." Kakashi said as he disappear.
Naruto pouted, "hah! He just doesn't want to pay for us."
"Hmm..." Sakura nodded as they walked toward their home.

Kakashi walked into Yamanaka shop after he left his team.
"Welcome.." greeted Ino, "ahh.. Kakashi sensei."
"Ino.. Ano, do you still have the white lilies?" asked Kakashi.
"Sorry, sensei. But, we run out of lilies today. Maybe you can go to the farmer instead. The place is not far. You just need to walk to the west toward Hokage mountain. Then, you can find the farmer. Her name is Naori," explained Ino.
"Oh.. Thank you for the information, Ino. But, it's almost sunset. Is it okay if i ask the flower to her?" asked Kakashi.
"I think it will be okay. Naori san won't mind that," answered Ino.
"Thank you, Ino. I will go there now," said Kakashi as he walked toward the flower plantation Ino talked about.

After some minutes, Kakashi arrived at the flower plantation. He saw a woman in the middle of the plantation. He walked toward her. Her long black hair was tied loosely.
"Excuse me, miss. Do you know Naori san?" asked Kakashi.
The woman turned around and smiled at Kakashi.
Kakashi was stunned staring at her face. Her face was pale, but glowing because of her sweat and the light of the sunset. Her eyes had different colour on each eyes. One was black and the other was purple. Her lips were reddish pink like Sakura petals. Contrast to her black hair and pale skin.
"Yes. I'm Naori," answered the woman as she smiled softly and walked toward Kakashi with a bucket in her hand.
"You.. You are Naori?" asked Kakashi.
The woman smiled and nodded, "can i help you,...?"
"Oh.. I'm Kakashi. Ano.. I need some white lilies. I went to Yamanaka Shop, but, Ino said they run out of white lily," explained Kakashi.
"Oh.. Well, do you need much?" asked Naori.
"Not really. Just some to visit my friends' graves," answered Kakashi.
"Oh... the white lilies are at my home, Kakashi san," said Naori, "will you wait here or follow me to my home?"
"I will follow you home then," answered Kakashi.
Naori smiled and took a bucket full of camellia, "well, follow me."
"Let me," Kakashi said as he took the bucket.
"Oh.. Thank you, Kakashi san," thanked Naori as she smiled softly then walked toward her house.

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