Ch. 1 Finding Me

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  • Dedicated to Mrs. Murphy

“Mom, why is one of that boy’s eyes silver?” a little boy asked his mom as he tugged on her shirt and pointed at me. The mom turned to see me and made a worried face, “Don’t point, it’s rude.” The mom said as she grabbed her son’s hand. I looked away from them but watched out of the corner of my eye. She hunched over her young child and whispered in his ear, “It’s because that boy is a Dim. He was born the same time that the sun died.” The kid stared at me, startled.

All went quiet as the bus pulled up to the bus stop. The lights on the bus was bright and I shielded my eyes with my hand. The mom and her boy quickly got onto the bus. I followed them, boarding the bus. As I got on the driver stopped me by putting his hand out in front of me. “Hey, I’m really sorry but the bus is at its maximum limit for passengers. I can’t let you on.” The driver said with an empathetic smile. I glanced at the seats, they were packed to the max. The mother and son were standing up front, holding the rails.

I sighed of frustration, “I’m sorry. It’s just cause they’re about to turn off the S.M. but the next bus is going to be coming in about thirty minutes. I’m sure that one will have room.” The driver said checking his watch. “Are you sure you can’t hold one more? I can’t wait thirty minutes.” I said tapping my foot impatiently. “Sorry. I’m only allowed so many or I could lose my job.” The driver said staring at me now. “But you could walk. I mean you are a Dim.” He said as he looked at my eyes. I pulled my hat down further trying to cover my face better. “Whatever.” I mumbled as I stepped off the bus.

 The doors closed behind me and I heard as they drove off someone yell “Good Luck Freak!” I hated this! Stupid Mack making me deliver something this close to the Sun Mimic shutdown of the month! He knows that every month on the last day that the Kree scientist have to shut down the S.M. to rest for a month! I kicked the rock in front of me hard. The rock flew out into the road hitting a car as it sped past.

I guess it was walking for me. If Mack’s stupid letter wasn’t delivered by Midnight he would have my head! I stretched my legs for a second and was off. I really hadn’t planned on walking to The Docks or I would have brought a water or something. All the stores were shutting down for S.M thing.

After what seemed like hours of walking I glanced at my watch. Man it was already twenty five until midnight, I had been walking for three hours! I wasn’t going to make it unless I ran. I sprinted until I got into a steady breathing pattern then I let my legs take me. The wind blew past me, and I felt my bag bumping against my back as I ran towards the edge of the city. It didn’t take me but ten more minutes until I could see the first building of The Docks. As I ran past two guards I flashed them the letter look alike, and they kept walking, letting me pass without a second thought. No one stops a messenger with a message, most of the time. Finally the ship came into view.

I slowed down as I approached three men standing near the boat. One of the men smiled at me, “You must work for Mack. I recognize the bag.” He said pointing to my dark grey bag with The Alley’s seal on it. I nodded and flashed the fake letter. “Oh yeah, the Big Guy has been inspecting a letter.” The other guard said. The guards and I stared at him. “Did you mean expecting?” the shorter of the men asked. I walked by them and hopped onto the boat, a guard following me. The guard went in front of me and led me to the inside of the ship. As we got to the door the guard knocked for me. The door opened and I was shuffled inside.

Sitting inside was the Big Man himself, Kenny. He was a huge, muscular man with short black hair and wore a brown suit. He sat behind a larger than life oak desk with The Dock’s seal across the front. On top of the desk was a few papers and a smiling woman. I looked straight forward, ignoring her. Kenny stood up and the room went dead silent. Everyone stood back and got out of the way. He grinned at me and held out his hand. I reached into my bag and pulled out the actual letter and placed it in his hand. It was hand delivered as always. I looked down at my feet, like I was taught, as he opened and read the letter. At first Kenny chuckled but then I heard an angry grunt come from him. “Hey, look at me kid.” Kenny ordered me. I glanced up enough to see his face. It was red with anger. I could see a vein pulsing on his forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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