Basorexia - Jordan Henderson

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(n.) the overwhelming desire to kiss

Mia walked through the hospital hallway in a hurry, her expression showed anxious as she squeeze her both hands. Guess we all know that maybe there’s something not so good just happened.

Her husband, Jordan called her about thirty minutes ago. Said that he got a little accident on the way home from Melwood training ground and of course it turned Mia into anxious mode. She drove straight to the hospital a moment after they hung up the phone.

However Jordan has told her that there was nothing serious about his accident, but she still couldn’t feel relieved until she saw him with her own eyes.

Mia went to the room where a nurse pointed to her and when she opened the door, she saw Jordan was sat on the hospital matrass with a bandage around his forehead.


She cupped his face to make sure she didn’t miss anything. “Oh my God, are you alright? Do you still feel hurt? You can tell me, which one? And where the hell is the doctor? Why they let you sitting here on your own? Should we ask to run an MRI test for you?”

Jordan holds both of her shoulders, “love.” He gently cuts off her babbling of anxiety. “Calm down, I’m fine.” He said, try to calm her down.

“No, you’re not.” Mia seemed still so panic, her face is about to cry. “Just look at you, your forehead, what happened in there? Is there something serious?”

He smiled again, “my forehead hit the steering wheel but it just a small wound, besides the doctor said I’m fine and I could go home after this.” He explained as he looked into Mia’s face. Those anxiety seemed fade away.

“Really?” she said, almost whispered.

“Really,” Jordan nodded then holds her hands tight, “you know sometimes I better not to calling you because I know I would make you worried, but you’re my wife. You deserve to know what happened about me, good or worse.” He kissed the back of her hands.

“Then what were you thinking?” Mia slapped his shoulder hard until an ‘ouch’ slipped from Jordan’s lips.

“You know how much I’m worried about you? If you feel sleepy or maybe too tired to drove back home, you could just take the cab or ask one of your friends to drive you home, or you can just call me so I can pick you up, I don’t mind. But you’re forcing to drove back home and now look what…” her long line of nagging was stopped when Jordan locked her lips with a kiss.

“Sometimes I like it when you’re nagging, but sometimes I just couldn’t stop to kiss you, to stop those lips for speaking.” He winked playfully.

“Jordan, I’m not done yet…” he kissed her again.

“Yes, and I can shut you up again and again if you’re keep talking, so keep talking.” he grinned.

“Stopped it!” she pinched his waist, make him wince a little. “You really know that I can’t nag at you in a long time, are you?” she smiled at last, put her arms around his neck.

“No, and I like the idea of shutting you down with my lips, so, we can do this again.”

“Or you just like to kiss me?”

“Well, I just can’t help it, can I?” he said before leaned closer to his wife and kissed her again.

Someone behind their back was clearing his throat made them release their hugs and kisses awkwardly to saw a doctor who just entered the room along with a nurse who tried hard to close her mouth to stop giggling.

“Looks like Mr. Henderson really didn’t need to be staying at the hospital any longer, he has his own special doctor and as I saw you, you look very healthy.” the doctor tease them, make Mia and Jordan laugh in awkwardness.


Mia was the one who drive tonight back from the hospital, she parked the car in the garage and unbuckled her seatbelt, almost made it out to the car when Jordan’s hand hold her.

“Could we just stay here for a moment?” he asked.

“Why? You should have rest, don’t you felt tired?”

He shook his head, “I’m not tired, just stay here for a moment, please.” He added and Mia obeyed him, they’re holding each other hands while looking at the dark white wall of the garage.

“I know I’ve been overreacting earlier, but you know, however you tell me to stop worried about you, I’m your wife, and maybe that’s what wife do, to always worried about her husband.” She broke the silence between them then took a glance to him.

He curled up his lips. “I know, that’s why I’m so lucky cause I have you as my wife.” He said as he unbuckled his seatbelt then leaned toward his wife to give her a long passionately kiss.


Jordan, you're an apple in my eyes 😍

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