The Hospital Gang

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I have been abused all my life by my dad. My mom was my companion but way away most of every month on business trips. In first grade my best friend kissed me, and I went crazy until sixth grade, where my mother came home once with a journal for me. I mad me wonder about life and I relises that I would soon grow up and have to face reality, without living my life through apps and social media. I had no connection to the world besides Instagram, Twitter, and tumblr. I was so flabbergasted about what I had released that I passed out. I was taken straight to the hospital and put under medical treatment. For the weeks before, a lump had bee crating in my throat. When i Evette the hospital, everyone there knew I had cancer. They asked my parent how long I had had it and how bad it was. My dad had never bothers to tell me I had cancer because he didn't care and my mom had never seen the lump. I was put through months of medical work and left the hospital for times In the time I would have entered and graduated middle school.

Most of you probably feel pretty bad for me. I could have been dead if I never passed out that one night. But treatments and hospital beds have gotten me to turn a new page in my biography and soon turn another. Hopefully.

I have met the best friend I could ever meet. First there is my best friend, Elizabeth. maybe because eh both have the same lung cancer or maybe cause we both have the same back story, but we clicked form the moment we were both in the waiting room for surgery. Next their is Alex. He may be five years older that me, but he's everything I could ask for. He has giving me the parenting I have never has and the friendship that could last a lifetime. He has been in the hospital for longer than I have lived. He first entered for mental help, but was soon diagnosed with Nahforbfbe cancer. Lastly there is Olivia. Olivia has been my little sister I never had. Neigh an only child, I had a lot of attention, which wasn't good for me because of my father. But I have been able to put my words from my journal to her brain and teach her about things I couldn't teach anything else. She has a terrible case of Lanthandos, a type of sickness that won't go away fora while. These three people would soon change my life forever, for good and for bad.

The Hospital GangWhere stories live. Discover now