Reinstating Confidence

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Jordan's POV

"So Jordan, Trevor tells me you have your eyes set on a girl in your school." my mom says to me during the weekend.

I instantly snap my head up from playing my bass guitar on my bed and stare at her in complete shock. "W-What!?? Where did he get that idea from?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me?" said Trevor as he came into view behind my mom. "Ever since you saw her, you've been spacing out with the goofiest smile that I have ever seen on your face. You even mumble about her when you think you're alone, expressing your thoughts on her. And to top it off, she does not show up for the rest of the week and you all of a sudden start moping around like you're Sadness from Inside Out. It's completely obvious that you've got it bad for her. So don't deny it bro."

I just rolled my eyes and tried to tune my bass some more. "So what if I am? Why are you pestering me about it, like it's such a big deal?" I said, feeling annoyed.

"Sweetheart, I know you have had bad experiences in the past when it comes to girls. It's not easy to handle rejection. But don't let that stop you from going out and making a move." mom says. I tried so hard not to laugh at her last statement.

"Make a move?? Mom, she pretty much shut that down the second I met her. She's made it perfectly clear that she is not interested in me. And why should she be? She is way out of my league. She's the sun and I'm the ground. We are not even close to being in the same league. She's not going to like someone like me." I counteracted.

"Jordan Whitehead! You listen to me right now." my mom stated in a clearly stern voice. "You know what I see when I look at you? A sweet, innocent, brave little boy who has overcome so much in his life, even when he was a baby. You have so much strength inside of you. Stop looking down at yourself like you're nothing because you are most certainly NOT nothing!" I continued to listen intently as she continued. "When I see you, I see the boy who conquered neuroblastoma as a baby! Do you know how many mothers could say, 'My baby kicked cancer!?' I sure as hell haven't met any. Some people can't even kick cancer period, but you did, and you were only six months old!" My mom really knows how to inspire you, believe me folks. "I see the boy who when he lost his grandma, he could have just wallowed in grief right then. Instead, he made a promise to her that he will win the fifth grade science fair in honor of her, and he busted his ass, working countless hours for many days and nights and he ended up winning the fair by a landslide of votes! Or the same boy who promised his dad to help take care of his own mother before he left for the army! That is the person that I see when I look at you Jordan. I don't care if you are classified as a nerd, because I know that you are just being yourself. Being the strong boy that I love. And because of that I am proud to call you my son, and I would trade you or your brother for anything!"My mom finished, and I got tears in my eyes at the end of her speech, and wiped them away.

"Are you really going to let some girl bring you down?? A girl that you barely even know?" Trevor then spoke up. "You think that Jade knows what she turned down? If she had some sense in her head she would realize her mistake of not seeing the kind and wonderful person you are. Who you always have been. and if she changes her mind, that means she is seeing the light. And let me tell you Jordan. Others know what type of person you are and that is the reason why they bully you! They see that you are a bright young person, with more potential than any one of them could even hope of having, so they put you down to make them feel better about themselves. You are Jordan Whitehead. You're a superstar. Don't let anybody ever tell you that you are nothing, because you are NOT nothing. Nor will you ever will be."

I felt something arise in me then that I haven't felt in a long time......confidence. Confidence in myself to push through. Even if I it means I cannot be with someone that I really like, I will survive. I have indeed dealt with worse, and I still stand today, or sit in this case, cause I'm..well.......anyway, I feel like a whole new person as my family expressed their views about me. And I wouldn't trade my family for anyone else's either.

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