• Chapter Two •

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"What is the cost of blood?"      

"What is the cost of blood?"      

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She never missed a moment of the wilderness, the therapy it gave her healing soul. She spent every morning running through the trees, rain or shine, and at night she often slept outside by her lone pine tree. 

As soon as Alpha Leon returned and heard of the rogues, Cassius was grounded for an entire week for letting his guard down, and he had to run night patrols with Ralf through the duration. She was approached by many different pack members, who gave her thanks for picking up the rogue scents despite the rain, but she still felt conflicted.

It hadn't been her intention.

When she had caught the scent of the rogues, she knew that the opportunity for escape couldn't be any more perfect, and Sekhet had agreed. She tried to draw the attention to the rogues, to warn Cassius, but when they couldn't understand, she just ran. 

She wanted to be a lone wolf in the wild. 

The rain would cover her tracks, making it all too easy for her slip away. There was no one guarding the borders and with Sekhet's strength, she could have ran for miles. But, as she neared the western borders, she could sense someone following her. 

She could have escaped.

But, she chose not to. 

Seconds before she crossed the border, she changed directions. She came to her senses before she committed to something that was equivalent to her death, a thousand thoughts raging in her mind, and she helped kill the rogues. 

She knew as soon as Cassius hugged her that she couldn't think of escaping again. The Gamma was scared to death, and she couldn't help but smile a little on the inside. He was a goof, but he was a soft heart, and her favorite brother. 

This was her home, she belonged among the warriors.

They were all a bunch of older brothers and as she grew more comfortable around them, they would include her in their teasing and often they'd let her attend training sessions so that she could pick up a few tricks in fighting. She couldn't remember if she ever had a brother, but these warriors filled the void to the brim.

She had ran into Jay a few times and the white scar wrapped around his forearm made her stomach feel heavy. She never regretted anything, but when the blue eyed male flinched around her when she moved too quickly, she got a good taste of regret.

She couldn't communicate in words, and he always made their encounters as brief as possible so she couldn't express her apology. Although she was growing, she struggled to be understood by the males surrounding her, and it frustrated her. 

Several emotions would swirl through her everyday, and sometimes she would understand them but other times she loathed them. Her emotions were strong and as they threatened to conquer her, she had to occasionally revert to blocking everything out. It was a learning process, and Cassius had warned her of it.

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