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Words… they are something strong. Words can hurt someone just saying “You're annoying   can hurt someone. Words can kill but words can save. Words can lead to cutting and suicide. But words can also lead to love and happiness. Words can be nice like “you’re beautiful “. Words can be loving “I love you".  Words can be happy “today was a good day".  Words can be hurtful “slut".  People need to know how to use the right words because if the wrong words are used then someone would end up hurt. Words can really do some damage to people. What you say matters. If you say “stop being such a fatass" to someone it could really hurt them. It can lead to depression, cutting, and others. Words have an impact on someone Especially mean words. You could make someone's day better and make them feel better by saying they are pretty. But you can ruin someone's life by say they are ugly. One good word can make someone feel better for a little while… but a mean word could ruin someone's whole life. Mean words are more powerful than nice ones. Nice words need to be used more often because mean ones are being said more often. Make someone feel better not make them feel worse. Think about it if you say something mean to someone then they commit suicide you would have to carry around that gilt for the rest of your life. So let's build people up not bring them down. And if people are being mean to you I don't care who you are im always here. Im always here to talk to.

This is my favorite original by myself. I wanted to post it on 7 because 7 is my luck number.

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