February 13th//Valentine?

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Kat had spent the following weeks at school completing her art project for the annual art show at the school by the time February 13th came around. Her project was due by the end of March, so she hadn't put much thought into Valentines Day or who she wanted to be her "Valentine", much unlike Ella, who never once stopped thinking about Valentines Day, and Liam. She was going to ask him to be her Valentine, and could only pray he would say yes. Him and Ella had been getting closer and closer as the days went by and she really thought that asking him was the right move.

As they moved into Science class, she made a thing to sit beside him, and even nudged him a few times and joked around. He didn't seem to think it was weird, instead he engaged in a conversation with her, and they had a good class sharing answers and more. Even the boys at the desk moved so they could have ~alone time~. Kat was stuck next to some of her least favourite people, Charlotte and Tess. They always spread gossip and beef.

After Science, it was lunch, so Ella sat with Liam and his friends. She figured now was the perfect time to strike. So she sat next to him, VERY close and popped the question. Well sorta.
"Hey Liam, I was wondering. Um...well...tomorrow's Valentine's Day, as you know, and I was wondering...if, well... you know, you wanted to..." She trailed off mid sentence as he chuckled.
"Of course." and he pulled her into a hug.

So here's another boring ass chapter, but at least Ella found happiness! Let's hope it carries through till next chapter...

Lots of love,

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