Chapter 1: Mission Meet Hollywood Ending

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"Are you almost ready?" Carrie looked over at me while spraying perfume on herself. "We're going to have to leave in, like, 10 minutes."

"Yeah," I looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I fixed my hair, tugged my shirt down a little, and then sprayed some perfume on myself as well.

Carrie and I were leaving to see Hollywood Ending, a band in which we've loved since we first saw them on Disney's N.B.T. We had never seen them before in concert, but this time, we convinced our parents to drive us 3 hours away to see them in New York. I was beyond excited, I could feel the butterflies flying around in my stomach as Carrie and I walked out of my room.

"Ready girls?" My mom asked, waiting at the front door for us.

"Yup." Carrie and I grabbed our bags that had been sitting in front of the wall and headed out. We were going to be spending the night right next to the hotel that HWE was staying at. My mom called it stalking them, but Carrie and I called it dedication. After all, it's not like we were going to be creeping on the boys and asking which room they were in. We just thought that it'd be fun to be next to the hotel - and maybe give us a better chance of running into them.

"My stomach is doing flips, how about yours?" Carrie asked putting her bag into the backseat and hopping in.

"Just a little." I said, following her.

Only 3 hours until we would get to see Hollywood Ending. 3 hours seemed like a lot when you were just pulling out of your driveway and still had all those minutes ahead of you, but it actually wasn't that long at all.

Of course we had to blast Hollywood Ending while driving there. We had to get ready and get pumped and get our singing voices exercised, if we had singing voices. But tonight we didn't care wether we could sing or not; we were going to have fun.

I took our my iPhone and connected it to my mom's radio and put on the Hollywood Ending play list I'd done last night.

"YOU GOT ME, YOU GOT ME," Carrie belted out. I joined her. We were singing and dancing to HWE songs, then we watched their youtube videos, and before we knew it we were only 1 hour away from the arena. I could feel my excitement level rising. 

"What if we get to meet them?" I asked Carrie. "Like, can you imagine?"

"I'd be so awkward. I wouldn't have a clue what to say." Carrie put her phone on her lap and looked over at me. "Okay, serious question," She began. "Who's your favorite in HWE?"

A favorite. I loved them all. I mean yeah, I thought Tyler was kind the cutest, but then again they all were cute in their own ways. I didn't necessarily want to pick a favorite, but I did anyway.

"Well, you know I love ALL of them," I began, "But I'd have to say, Tyler."

"ME TOO!" Carrie's face looked excited. "But yeah, I love them all too. Especially Chris with his accent."


The car started to slow down and when I looked out the window, the traffic was at a standstill and no body was moving. The lines went as far up as I could see, and then concert started in a half hour.

"Um, what is with this traffic?" I asked, concerned.

"Well, there is a concert, sweetie," My mom answered. "So, I expected traffic."

"But the concert starts in a half hour!" Carrie was looking at her phone and you could tell she was worried.

"It's okay, we'll make it." My mom sounded so reassuring, but with traffic this backed up, I didn't think it was possible to make it to the arena. Of course, not being from New York, I had no idea where the arena was. It could be 5 minutes away or and hour away.

"Mom, where's the arena even at?" I asked, trying to look at the GPS.

"It's right up here, we should be there, well without this traffic, in 10 minutes." My mom looked over at the GPS. "There should be back ways to get there."

While my mom was talking to herself, Carrie and I were silent. I know we were both concerned we'd miss the concert. Next thing I knew the car jerked and we'd taken a sharp right turn.

"I found a back way, girls!" My mom cheered. Honestly, I was nervous. We were in New York and in an area we'd never been before. What if we got lost. But we didn't. My mom had gotten us to the stadium and our hotel was literally 2 minutes away.

"OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH." Carrie was practically out of her seat already.

"Alright, I'm going to drop you off here. I'm going to check in at the hotel. Hannah, text me if you need me, okay?"

"Okay, mom." I opened the door and got out, Carrie following me.

"Have fun!" My mom drove off.

It was now time to try and complete our mission meet Hollywood Ending. With our hopes high, Carrie and I walked towards the arena.

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