Making My Decision

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"Papa! I want to meet my real mother." I exclaimed. I was determined to meet her, I never felt like I belonged here. Whenever I looked up into the night sky, I felt that like I was made for something more than just having a mundane life. I looked at people as if they were strangers and that they could look at life more better.

"Do you really want to meet your mother?" he asked

"Yep! She wanted you in my life, for that I'am thankful for." Smiling at him.

"Well then I have to contact her."smiling softly at me.

I'm going to meet my real mom for the first time. What if she doesn't like me, what if she doesn't want to meet me. Am I more like her or more like my dad. What am I thinking, I can't think like that I have to stay positive. Think good thoughts.

Ryuu POV (Father):

I'm glad that my little girl wants to meet her. I felt terrible for keeping this from her, she deserved more than this. The weight of this secret and guilt lifted off my shoulder, I felt lighter like I can walk on air. My little girl isn't so little any more. That bitch that ruined little girl life by making her feel afraid to have friend and also making her feel as if she was to blame. I should have been a better father, but it made my little girl grow into the little lady she is today.

" I'm going to contact your mother tomorrow. But I you want to meet your mother, I must teach you the way of the shinobi." I told my little girl . " The Shinobi way is hard, your muscles will be sore, your fingers will bleed, your mentality will be test. Even sleeping will be hard, danger at every corner. Are you sure want to became a shinobi?" Asking her with a serious face, I don't want her to be a shinobi.

Even though this is selfish of me I can't let go of my little girl. I watch her go through so many trials already. If she decides the shinobi way, I'm afraid that I will lose my little girl forever.

Back to the regular POV:

"I choose the shinobi way father." I want to be selfish just this once, I want to find my true calling. In my whole life I never got to choose, I hope that I don't regret this.

" Dad I never got to chance to free. I want to be free as the wind, never stop moving." " Now Kiyoko, once you choose this path you can't go back on it." He told me.

I look at my dad, I feel as if I he was trying to make me stay here. I felt fire in my blood, I knew what my father was trying to do. My fake mother did this to many of time. Guilt tripping me into something that I don't want to do. I can't stand people trying to control me.

Standing up slamming my hands hand on the table. Making my father jump. "I KNOW WHAT I WANT FATHER!" losing my composure, taking deep breathe trying to recomposing my self. "I know what your doing father, and I don't appreciate one bit. I know what I want father, I would appreciate if you would support me father. Please." Tears almost escaping from my eyes.

Looking at me he felt guilt. He never meant to guilt trip her."I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you. But now I know that you have the will of fire in you"

Tears fell to the ground. I ran into my fathers arms, crying like a baby. "I'm sorry. But you have to understand that I'm growing up." "I know. I know. I love you." "I love you dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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