Second Chances

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Nova's POV

        "Wait, so End possessed her?" I asked, confused. Chaos nodded. "So...that explains why she has the cure and why she was acting weird! How do you get her back to normal?" I asked. "You need to use your light powers and hit her with the strongest beam of light and try to kill the darkness." Chaos said. Then, I noticed something strange. "How do you know this stuff?" I asked. Chaos shrugged. "I'm the creator of the universe. I know everything that is happening in it." he said. I just shook my head and narrowed my eyes. "Chaos, tell the truth." I said. Chaos' shoulder sagged. "Fine. I sent two spies to pretend to be on Ends' side and pretend to betray me so it wouldn't look suspicious to End." he said. "Who did you send?" I asked in a deathly calm voice. "I...I.." Chaos said. "Who did you send?!" I asked again, my voice louder. "I...I send your sister, Autumn, and Sapphires' sister, Violet." he whispered. CRACK! A large cracking sound was heard as my fists met Chaos' face. "What the f*ck is wrong with you? Do you know how dangerous it is to send two inexperienced agents, who just finished their training, to be spies? What happens if End finds out?! Do you know that End might torture them, or even kill them?! What about Sapphire? Have you ever asked Sapphire or me before you send them off? Violet is Sapphire's only sibling and Autumn is my only sibling from Poseidon's side. If they get hurt or even have one little scratch on them, you are dead." I growled, a harsh light surrounding me. I could feel earthquakes, tornadoes, eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes and many more deadly disasters happening over the universe. Uninhibited planets and galaxies exploded. "Nova! Calm down!" Chaos shouted. I stared at him, my multigalaxy eyes glowing. "Calm down?! You expect me to calm down when Sapphire's or my sister could be DEAD right now?!" I roared. "Nova. Calm down. Please." a soft voice said. 

           I immediately calmed and rushed to Sapphire.  "Are you ok?" I asked. "Did I hurt you?" Sapphire gave a small smile. "No, you did not hurt me. But, please stop yelling and calm down." she said. I nodded and gave a glare at Chaos. "You might want to leave now." Sapphire said to Chaos. Chaos nodded and disappeared in a flash of light. "Sapphire." I said. I held out my arms and she hugged me. (A/N I'm sorry! I suck at mushy stuff!). "I'm scared. For your sister and mine." she whispered. "We both know that they are strong, smart and both very talented at acting. Heck, they once fooled us into thinking they were sick so they wouldn't need to go to training." I said, laughing a little. She laughed along with me. "The war will end quickly, right? I hate this planet. Too much memories." I said. She nodded. "Yes, probably. Now, are you just going to sit here or are you just going to fix your former best friends' head?" she asked me. I thought for a moment. "Can't I just...?" I began. "No." Sapphire said. "You don't know what I was going to say." I protested. "You were going to ask if you can leave Annabeth alone and not heal her. My answer is no. You need to let go of your grudge against the camp. Somethings are ment to forgive and forget." she said, gently. "Fine, but first, I must tell the other demigods about her." I said, pouting. "Fine. Come on. Let's greet the others." she said. I nodded and together, we walked down the stairs, as the lunch horn sounded. 

         "May I please have your attention everyone?" I asked. Everyone stopped talking and all of them faced me. " First of all, I forgive everyone here. You can thank my girlfriend. Second of all, as, you all know, Micheal was a spy and managed to poison my girlfriend here, which was why I killed him. However, only End had the cure and I don't think that he will give it to us so easily. 'Then how is my girlfriend here?' you may ask. Well, it's because instead of coming here and revealing his true form, he came and possessed one of the campers, which is how I got the cure. Before I reveal the possessed person's identity, I need all of you to promise that you will not attack him/her and will allow me to get rid of the darkness inside of that person." I said. Everyone swore. "Okay then. The possessed demigod is our one and only Annabeth Chase!" I said.

         That ended up with people confused. "What?! How can Annabeth be possessed? She's acting the same as usual, except maybe a bit grumpy and bitchy sometimes, but that is because you were gone." Thalia said. I just shrugged. "I'm just doing my job here. Now, stand back so I can heal her." I said. Everyone shut up and made way for me. Annabeth got up and tried to escape, but I placed a barrier that enclosed her and me. I then stored up energy and changed the stored energy into light energy. When it was just right, I placed my hand on Annabeth's forehead and gently pushed down. Dark energy flew while Annabeth and I collapsed. 

        "Nova!" Sapphire called, rushing to me. She handed me Chaosra, which is basically ambrosia for us. I quickly ate it while the other campers carried Annabeth to the infirmary. "Never doing that again." I groaned. Sapphire just chuckled and help me up.  "Never thought the great commander of Chaos' Army would whine over using too much power when he knows that he has been through worst." she chuckled. I grinned. "Like almost losing you," I said. Sapphire just rolled her eyes. "Cheesy much?" she muttered. I just smirked. "Come on. Let's go see how Annabeth is doing," she said, walking off. I just stared at her before sighing and running after her. 

      Inside the infirmary, Annabeth was recovering on one of the available beds. "How is she?" Sapphire said. "She's fine. She about to wake up, anyway." Will replied, as Annabeth stirred. Sapphire nudged me and I went to Annabeth. Annabeth opened her stormy gray eyes. The minute she saw me, she burst into tears. "I'm sorry, Nova. I didn't mean to betray and cheat on you," she said. I felt guilty and went to hug her, hesitantly. She hugged me back, tighter and I soothingly rubbed her back. "It's ok, Annabeth. I forgive you." I said as Sapphire smiled.

         After Annabeth got over her crying, she met Sapphire. Surprisingly, they got along well without fighting or anything, like I thought they would. After what seemed like forever, Sapphire and I hugged Annabeth goodbye and we went back to the Chaos cabin.

Whew! I finally completed this chapter! Sorry for the long wait! The state test is coming up soon, so I have to study and I still have homework to do. I will however find time to update the next chapter. It will be out as soon as I finish it! Until next time!

- DragonWolf52

1188 words

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