I Have My Lucy Back

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🔥Natsu's P.O.V🔥

She remembered me. I don't know how, and I don't care how. She remember me, and I couldn't to anything but hold her. I didn't want to let her go. If I let her go, then want might happen?!

No. I can't be possessive like that. I can worry, but not keep her locked up. Still, I didn't want to share her with anyone. I didn't want the other's to know about this yet no matter how much she might want them to know! She was mine right now. No one else's.

"Hey Natsu? Why didn't you go insane when I forgot you? You always go into insane mode whenever something happens to me." She asked, her face turning away from me.

"Because I couldn't. If I wanted you to remember me, then I had to take it slow, and not freak out, even though I wanted to grab you by the shoulders and kiss you until you remembered." I chuckled. O heard her pout as she for her answer clearly.

"Jeez, you're so selfish, you know that?" She teased.

"Not always! I care about you too!"

"Let me correct myself then. You're so selfish for us. Everyone else you could care less about, right?"

I became silent and she laughed at her victory.

"You can never win against me!"

"Oh really? An who's the ticklish one here?"

"Natsu! Don't you dare!"

Too late. I tackled her down onto the bed and tickled her stomach, making her laugh louder than I've heard for a while. She begged for me to stop, and I eventually did, but I got my revenge.

"Meanie! You have no weaknesses other than me! O can't do anything to you!"

"Because I'm awesome like that! Now, you wanna go back for those dresses that the girls wanted?" I asked, knowing she felt really guilty for them not having their fun.

"You'll really take me back?!" She said, her eyes sparkling. 

"Go get in the car. and hurry before anyone else get those dresses. And find yourself one too. They were looking for a dress for the festival the town's having."

Without another word, Lucy went straight into the car and honked the born, telling me to hurry up.

Everything about her is the same now. I truly have my Luce back.

My Lucy. I love you.

Nalu - Remember The Bad Boy (Book 4; Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now