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[2D's P.O.V]

Its been two months of touring, and today was the last day. Everyone was exhausted from the trip. We really needed a break. On the trip back home, Noodle and I sat beside each other again. We hadn't really got alone time since before the trip. The only alone tome we had was when she would be lucky enough to sneak into my room and talk with me. Any other time, we were in front of everyone.

It was really nice to be alone with her again. She scooted close to me once Murdoc and Russel sat down. They couldn't see us because they had to be two seats ahead of us in our row. Noodle spoke quietly into my ear, "It's nice to be alone." I nodded my head in agreement.

The Japanese female rested her head on my shoulder, my larger hands running through her hair. She smiled at the action, letting out a soft exhale as a response. I happily kissed her head, keeping her close. My eyes wondered over to the window, watching slight rain roll along the square window. It tapped gently at the cold window, making it sound musical. I couldn't help but make a song about Noodle to it.

I felt my eyes narrow slightly as the song formed in my head. I began to imagine how the song would go, my eyes fully closing. My imagination ran wild. I imagined a beach that had palm trees looming over it, keeping the sand cool. The ocean's waves lapped at the edge of the beach. The breeze carried a sweet scent as it passed by. Noodle and I were laying on a towel and I was admiring her while she was watching the fluffy clouds in the sky.

I suddenly roused when I felt shaking. I fluttered my eyes open and shook my head. Noodle had woke me up and was talking about how we were about to land soon. I just nodded and yawned, rubbing my eyes. Tiredness swept over me like a broom sweeping a floor as I made an attempt to wake up. "Are you okay, Toochi?" Her voice rang in my ears like a bell. I nodded my head.

"Jus' ti'ed." I responded with a yawn. She nodded her head in understanding. I felt a gentle kiss being pressed on my head. I turned my attention to the window, seeing that we were going downwards. Noodle linked her arm with mine.

"When we get home, we can take a nap and cuddle." She suggested with a smile denting her lovely features. I nodded my he's in agreement. The female guitarist then rambled on about how excited she was to be home. I only smiled.

Soon, we arrived home. I inhaled the fresh air that I longed for. It see me on my yesterday we were packing up to go to our tour. I quickly unpacked everything, dragging myself into my room. I flopped on my bed happily.

I then felt someone flop beside me, which startled me. I raised my head to see my lovely girlfriend beside me, giggling. "Wha' do yew fink yer doin'?" I inquired playfully, beginning to tickle her. She laughed loudly, letting out a few snorts. I stopped for a moment to let her breathe.

"You're so mean." She joked, kissing my cheek gently. "I'm so lucky to have you. You have made my life so much better since I was a little kid. Thank you, Toochi."

A/N: AAAA I'm really sorry... I'm writing this on my friend's old phone rn and aaaaa- I'm sorry its really hard to write on a browser that barely works for wattpad and when I have no motivation... really, I've been avoiding the Gorillaz fandom because of all the drama that's been going on lately. It's unbelievable how toxic people can be. And on top of that, I was recently broken up with so it's really hard for me to write romance rn. Please please please, be patient with me. I'm so sorry I've let you all down, forgive me. I'm saving up to get a computer and if I get one, I'll writing a lot!! So again, forgive me and be patient with me... this is also a very pathetic chapter.. words: 717

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