Chapter One

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My name is Araeabelle. Araeabelle Freeborn. It is currently the summer between elementary and middle school. And up until recently, my life has been pretty normal. I live in St. Paul, Minnesota with my Mom, Dad, three brother, and two sisters. I'm actually the second oldest in my family, which is pretty cool, because I get a lot of privileges, but I also take on a lot of responsibility.

It's nothing I can't handle, of course, but sometimes, I wish I was the youngest. And other times, I envy my older brother, Jonathan. He's older than me by two and a half years, making him thirteen, and he gets a lot more privileges than me, because he's a teenager. Everyone in my family is different, and John has black, bushy hair that grows up, never down, a tan skin, and brown eyes. He's tall for his age, at 5ft 8 inches,but is only middleweight.

Next down the line is, duh duh duhhhh... ME! As I already said before, I am the second oldest in my family, which, as you can tell, I try to make as clear as possible. I have Blonde, naturally wavy hair. I Also have brown eyes, but I'm actually kind of short for my age, at 5ft exactly. But my medium size weight makes up for it, and keeps me from getting thrown under the subway. Most people consider mysterious, because my hair and eyes change a lot. They're never exotic colors, but they do change, and they never matchup. But, my favorite pair by far, is my blond hair, and brown eyes. Something about them, just makes me want to stare at myself for hours.

The oldest middle child is my little sister, Isabella. Issy is only a year younger than me, an more often than not, we have the same interests, so we're pretty close. But we don't have the same friends, unless you count our nextdoor neighbor, Star, which we've known our whole lives. Issy has red frizzy hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She reminds me of one of those Disney princesses that the Abnorms watch. Issy is really small for her age, and her light, and VERY fast. She weighs only 60 lbs, and is 5ft.

The youngest middle child is Eethean. Eethean likes to hide in the dark, but he's very patient, and kind, despite his shyness. Eethean and Issy are twins, but Issy is older by four hours, so we consider her the eldest middle child. Their actually quite similar, but Eethean has jet-black hair, that stays cut, really short, and he has dark brown eyes. He's also skinny, and small like his sister. But unlike her, he gets bullied by other mutuals. No One knows why he just stands there, and let's them fool around, but he never says anything. Eethan is actually pretty fast, if you can ever see him run, which is rarer than rare.

The second youngest is Lucas,who is 8. Lucas, unlike his older brother, is very outgoing, and friendly. He also has jet-black hair, and dark-brown eyes, but he's way more charming. Lucas is kind of chubby, but fit, and is medium height. He has a lot of friends, and our den is always crowded with either his friends, or his friends' mess. Either way, that means work for me, but I don't mind. The boys are actually good, and cleaning the den gives me an excuse to be there. I like to look at the odd things the boys get, but the girls don't, such as the speaking box, that magically changes it's screen. I still haven't figured out how it works.

The youngest person in the family is Lillianna. Lilli is pretty chubby, and spoiled, because she's the youngest. She's Actually pretty snobby as well, but I hope she'll get better, because when she turns of age, she'll have to work too. As a six year old,she thinks she can do whatever she wants and get away with it. Which is usually true when mum, the nanny, the old cub sitter, or even Issy Watch her, but not for me. I am determined to make her listen, and if she doesn't then she gets in trouble,and she doesN'T like it when she's in trouble.

We live together in a large mansion, or small castle, whichever you prefer to call it, in St. Paul, Minnesota, if you didn't notice before, with our mum and dad. Our mum works full time at the school she designed, the Northwood View School for all Mutuals. This means, she gets the summer off, but, as Headmistress and all, she has to stay back for a few weeks, to get everything ready for next year. Our dad works in the subway business, and designs all of the flying subways, which we take to places, like the school, or other important places that many people are required to go to. Dad gets breaks, and takes the weekends off, to spend time with us. We have a mind of schedule going on, so Dad has time for all of us. During the summer, he has to work full time, because a lot of people leave to go to summer vacations, and he has to train, drivers, fill out paperwork, and all of the other boring work that I would HATE to deal with.

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