MLAATV Chpt 1- I go six feet under.

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You ever have those days where all you want to do is lay in bed? You know, when it’s 75° out, crisp, and just sunny enough to not be annoying? We get a lot of days like that here. Good weather, good neighbourhood. I live with my gran; I guess not much to complain about since there are those who don’t know their grans. Sadly though, I have to get up. I beat the alarm clock, as usual by like five minutes that I just sit in bed and watch an amazing sunrise.

I drag my lazy feet on the ground and shuffle to the bathroom stripping before I even enter and turned on the water. There really wasn’t much to strip I mean I usually sleep in only a pair of baggy trousers like three sizes too big for me. One thing about showers when you can have them alone is not having to worry about someone entering your room. I let the water get steaming hot before I stepped in. Then let out a long sigh, letting the steam fill my lungs as the liquid massage washed away my sleep.

Once done, I walked out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and another drying my hair when my cheeks suddenly felt hotter than…hotness*LOL*. My gran was there staring at me her usual mysterious smile plastered casually across her face. I scrambled quickly to cover myself up but, “Oh dear, there’s nothing there that I haven’t seen before.” she quickly cut in waving her hand in a dismissive manner.

“Gran-gran don’t you knock?” I asked her?

“I did but with all the noise your new shower makes I’m not surprised you didn’t here. Anyway dear, remember you promised to go pick-up some herbs from the woods.” She reminded me for the umpteenth time.

“Yes gran. But I still don’t get why you can’t buy from the store?” 

“Because here I get it for free and it tastes so much better. Now, get dressed.” She finished leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

I’d love to tell you some cliché story about how my parents died in a car crash and I’m the only survivor but no. My parents were brutally killed in-front of me when I was four. We were at home and it was right after dinner. We were watching TV when this loud scream was heard from the kitchen. Then the butler walked out all crazy eyed wielding a deadly sharp knife in his hands. He came up to my parents and first cut off my dad’s left hand. From then on, all I can remember is blood and body parts.

Now as I walked into the kitchen fully clad in my hiking paraphernalia I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like if I was dead too. I brushed my black hair out of my storm grey eyes. I sat my cut body at the table opposite gran-gran and began chowing down. Bacon, sausages, toast and a glass of watermelon, pomegranate and grapefruit juice.

“Attie, laundry.” Said gran.

“Aye aye sir.”

I gathered all the dirty clothes and threw them in the washing machine. I watered the plants and before long it was lunch.

As we sat down to a nice, quiet lunch, Mrs. Black came over. She and gran were like best friends or something like that. She also lived with her grand-daughter but she had gone missing a few months past. She came over with desert. Home-made cookies and ice cream.

“M my Atticus you’ve grown.” She always said although we had met like two days ago.

“Thank you Mrs. Black. You are looking as radiant as ever.” I always complimented. She had extra-long grey hair and surprisingly bright blue eyes that always reminded me of Adrianna, her granddaughter.

“Atticus be getting a move on then. We need those spices for tonight’s dinner.” Said gran.

“Ok.” I put on my combat boots and took off. On my way I passed by Adrianna's favourite spot. It was a small meadow that we used to play in. I had made my own special grave here because I believed this is where her spirit would reside. I walked over to it and knelt down. Ever since I moved into gran’s she has been my only friend. Now, of course I have more, but she was my first and best.

“Just cuz you’re lost doesn’t mean you’re dead.” I whispered. I stood up and a sweet smelling breeze blew within the meadow. I continued my journey to the top of the hill seeing as the woods grew on several hills. The one closest to us was the smallest an often picked by hikers so we had a little store that sold hiking gear and I worked there so as to save enough money for college. I didn’t want gran to overdo herself like she always did. As I continued up, tripped on a little rock protruding from the ground and my leg bent at an angle it isn’t supposed to bend at. I screamed out loudly as pain, coursed through my veins and spread throughout my entire body. I don’t know for how long I was there screaming and shouting out for help. I tried standing up a couple of times but my body gave up.

When I finally lost all hope of being saved, a figure appeared. He was so dazzling in beauty I was stunned. His face was like it was carved by angels. Perfectly sculpted red lips, well defined cheek bones, a nose proportional to his face and golden locks that were blowing in an invisible wind. He was so good looking that he made me feel bad for myself and I was quite the eye-candy back in school, if I do say so myself. The only off thing about him was that he possessed ruby red eyes that screamed blood lust.

“Master Atticus, my you’ve grown into quite the fine gentleman,” he said in a deep British accent. His voice was soft and soothing. I couldn’t help but feel safe,   *can you believe this guy having such an effect on a straight guy? Carry on.* “Well master will be pleased to find out I found an ancient. I wonder how you’ll turn out, the colour of your eyes but most importantly, your gifts.

How did this motherfcr know about my gift? I was what people call an empathy but it was something that came and went so not really useful is it?

The man knelt down so gracefully, I almost cried. He opened his mouth and two fangs popped out where his canines were. NO EFFING WAY!!! THE B!TCH WAS A VAMPIRE! I THOUGHT THEY WERE LIKE ONLY STORIES AND STUFF! I tried scrambling away but to no avail. He then sank his teeth into the left side of my neck and I felt him drain me but before he drained enough for me to go unconscious, he bit his wrist and put it forcefully at my mouth which willingly opened and sucked his blood on its own accord. He then pulled his hand  away sharply when he thought I had had enough.

“That’s a good boy.” He mumbled to himself. He carried me back to Adrianna's meadow where there was a grave sized hole dug beside hers.  He plopped me inside and an enormous amount of earth was dropped on me killing me instantly.

As I was floating around in darkness, I saw a light ahead and floated towards it. There was a sharp pain in my chest and head as I finally reached the bright white light and it engulfed me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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